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Cosmic Soul

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But Can We Dance 2 It ???
"Center of The Mystic Lotus" Dance 2 the Rhythm of the Universe !!!
Dance 2 the Rhythm of Your Heart !!!
Dance 2 the Mystic Lotus !!!
Click Here 2 Dance With the Mystic Lotus
Luv is Gonna Win ...
It's Gonna Beat Your Sin's Tonight !!!
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul: Center of the Mystic Lotus
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul: Center of the Mystic Lotus
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul - Live at 7th St. Entry, MLPS., MN
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul - Live at the Foxfire Lounge
*** With The T.Rex Tribute Band & More !!! ***
"Cosmic Soul"
Cosmic Soul: Tainted Love / Depth Charge - Live
Cosmic Jam's - Live at the Fine Line, MLPS., MN
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Take a Look at Some Testimonials - Here's What Others Think of T.Rex,
And the Tribute Inspired ... "Cosmic Soul"
From Paul: thanks!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a million for sending me all that stuff, Daniel- I've only had a chance so far to listen to the CD, but I thought "Making It Without You" was brilliant! I was really amazed- it's a crime you haven't gotten any record deals! The guitar playing especially stands out- your style sort of hearkens back to all the greats (Page, Hendrix, etc.), but I thought it had its own distinctive edge to it.. and of course the Bolan influence is there, but I think you've really created something all your own. I loved the kind of baroque-poppish interchange of melodies in that song; and it's interesting the way you juxtaposed the sort of personal lyrics with a neo-psychedelic sound- with that kind of melody you'd expect to be hearing lines about orange lollipops and so forth, but instead it's very down-to-earth.. maybe you've created a new genre: the acid-pop break-up song (?!).. Now I'm really eager to hear the other stuff, as it's obvious you're damn talented and you've got a great sense of melody, hooks, lyrics, etc. Not to mention the video.. that should be very interesting! I didn't think you'd send me all that stuff- it's practically enough to start my own miniature fan club! I feel guilty now for not sending you more money.. I'll definitely be sending you all the CDRs in my Bolan anthology when I'm finished with them, but maybe if I get around to getting some of my debts paid I'll send some actual money.. I'll send you some other CDR anthologies in the meantime to make up for it a little, at least.. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get around to listening to your stuff but I've been pretty busy with work and other correspondences, but I'll definitely have to set aside some Mystic Lotus-time in my schedule pretty soon.. maybe by the end of this week I'll mail you back and give you my full impression, but I think it's safe to say you've got a new convert in the making! -"Love is gonna win/ it's gonna beat your sins.." -Paul
Another Thanx From RJC. > Hari Bol:), Daniel!!!!! I checked out almost the entire video the night before and was really gettin' into your one tape--the one with more of the singing on it--just after leaving your house and drivin' back to Minneapolis to Oarfin Studio. Yea, I think it's really GREAT!!!! It was a lot of fun to hear you singin' and jammin' on that tape. I like the combination of your voice with that female voice on that one song--really has a nice feeling to it. And then it was really cooooooool to check out your video. I was like watchin' it late into the night, probably to about 12 midnight or so. It's really wild to see you doin all those different gig like placesthat you put on the video. And then such an incredible variety of different picture shots of yourself--it's all pretty wild to see ya doin' all those different kinds of things. I think it's great that you've done such a Biiiiiiiiiig job at producing yourself into such a wide variety of gig contexts and the following tapes and such a well organized and displayed video take--it's really, really cooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I just wanted to ZAP ya somethin' real fast since it was just really nice to get your email and think about gettin' back down there to associate with such a cooooooooooool and great devotee as you are!!!!!!!!! :) Yea, and I'm just lookin' forward to the jammin' program you'll be havin' at your place Tuesday night!!!!!! I'm not gonna make it down for the university program tonight or even Friday, but I'll definitely, most likely make Sunday evening and after. Well have a gooooooooooood one!!!!!!!! And thanx for turnin' me on to your music thing! HARE KRSNA!!!!!!!!!!!!! RobertJC
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Forwarded Message: Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 1:22:25 AM From: Paul Subj: Great site! (t-rex fan) I've been a T.Rex fan half my life now ever since I bought the Warrior album when I was eighteen or so- it was in the middle of the punk scene so naturally I got some strange looks from the green-haired check out lady, but I had just heard "Cosmic Dancer" on the radio the week before and I thought to myself that there must be a lot more to this Marc Bolan guy than the "Get It On" song leads most people to believe. Anyway it's good to see that there are people out there who're still holding a candle for his memory. I loved the Mickey Finn interview and all of the little bits of trivia on Marc's life- the sound clips were really cool, too, especially the early Bolan stuff. I liked the Tiller Dawn cover songs as well, but I was wondering if you still have any contact with a guy named Daniel Hawthorn (I think that's the name)? He's a musician who does a lot of T-Rex related stuff- a buddy of mine sent me a tape with some of his songs on it, and there was a really great medley of Bolan songs. I think he had a site called "Cosmic Soul"or something but I haven't been able to locate it lately. Do you have any information about where I can get more of his stuff, or how I can contact him? I'm pretty sure he used to have his site listed at the "Tilldawn" site, but I might be mistaken. I think his stuff is really good, and it's a shame more people don't know about him- maybe if they could at least find his web place they'd be able to get info on him. It would be cool if you included some of his stuff on the CD of Bolan covers.. Anyway thanks for having such a cool site ...
And watch out for those trees! - Paul B.
" Cross Legg'ed Review or Overview" - A Look Back
( The Secret 2 so called succsess. ) By Daniel Hawthorn
- I'm Not Really a Musician, Least Not a Musicians Musician as Fars as That Goes ... But I Love Art, and I Just Love What I Do ... I'm More of an Audio Artist, Just Creating and Painting Pictures with Sounds and Emotion, Just as a Painter Does and Would Using Paints, a Canvas and So On ... And So I Just Paint the Landscapes of Thoughts and Emotions Running Through My Head Using that of Emotions and Expression Through Cosmic Sound Vibrations ... As a Means of Expressing Myself and Hopefully Just Bringing and Filling This World with a Lil' Bit More Positive Energy, and Hopefully Do What I Can 2 Help Touch Someone ... But Essentially I Do It, and I Do It 4 Me, and My Means of Release and Expression ... I Mean I Hope Ya Like, and the More the Better, But at the End of the Day ... All and What It Comes Down 2, Is That I Do It 4 Me ... Between Me and God I remember talking with some people awhile back about what make's a person successful and why have I had the " good Luck " or good fortune of being what it is that I am or whatever it is that I have done or accomplished so far in life. And I can just say a few things as I said then, 4 one a person needs 2 believe, have faith and persistance. Lazyness has no room in life of somebody who wan't 2 B' " Successful ", and what is it that we call or messure succsess. I messure it on the level of ones own personal happiness and contentment, if your satisfied with yourself and happy in this life than U R' a successfull person. And if U have a good healthy relationship with God, well then U R' most defiantley successful as that is the key 2 success and the goal of life it's self. So I said, think about it, how many other people do U know in this town, in this state or even in this country or the whole world that can maintain themselves and sell record's ( tapes and cd's ) from home without the exposure of live gigs or regular air play ? I rarely ever do shows with only the exception of the odd one,a rare gig here or there on the spur of the moment when I feel the mood 2. I rarley ever play out, especially anymore because It's so much effort, I mean loading the gear, rehearsals, pubs and bars that R' either 2 hot or freezing cold and so filled with smoke ya can't breath. So it's just never been a pleasurable experiance 4 me accept 4 the odd one and the rare occasion, someone will call me up at the last minute 2 dayz before or the the day of and say, " Hey ya wanna play such and such a venue tonight " and if they catch me in a mood I'll do it. Coz the only reason 4 doing it and the only thing that makes it worth while is the instant feed back and relationship between the people watching. Now I have been quite fortunate in many reguards, because as I was explaining the situation but on top of that wherever and whenever I do play anywhere it never failsand these R' the gigs I take I guess but I always get lumped in with these hard electric bands, when here's me sitting cross legged on the floor in between a set of Punk Rock, Heavy Metal and Goth Bands like a little pixy with my acoustic guitar singing songs of love, when anybody else in the whole world would have their throat and lungs ripped out by the audiance 4 such a thing. And I come in off the street, people have not seen in years, if ever even heard of and just sit down and go 2 it. So why does it work, well whats 2 say it works in the sense, I mean I am not a super rich and famous person by any means, certainly not. I mean I barely even know my nieghbors but the point is that those who know, they know and thats the way it's supposed 2 B'. And so no matter how poor or well I play, I know God is there and I'm doing it 4 Him, as a service coz I just want 2 make people happy and share the love thats in my heart in the best way I can and I think people realize that and they feel the love in the air more so than with alot of bands, especially these dayz, but thats the idea as well I'm tying ta present the audiance with an atmosphere of love, not just doom and gloom but some hope 4 the future and show the good things in life and hopefully give em' a higher taste 4 life. And so as Long as God is there everything will work out fine and everything good or bad is placed accordingly. And those who like it- great, thats why I do it and those who don't ...... Well I wouldn't want them 2 anyway. I mean it's 4 everyone and I wish I could reach everyone but it takes a certain kinds person ta understand these kinda things and a certain level of intelligence that U won't ever find in most people and thats just unfortunatley a part of living in the material world. But those who have a mind and the eye's ta C' and can grasp the most simple yet difficut concept in this existance, I do it 4 U, I do it all and I'd give it all 4 U. God Bless ya. It's simple in the sense that simple people can easily and readily understand but complicated people will never grap it, and what I mean is if ya live and think simply and R' down ta earth and real about things well then you'll know and I love ya, but those who wanna complicate their minds with the complex and unnecessary duality's and degragations of society and the material world, they'll never grap it. So if I can bring a smile ta one persons face, make one person happy and or bring any anount of enlightenment into thier lives, well then it's all worth it and it's a success 2 me. And because of that, I am able ta sit home and devote my time 2 God, and his service by trying 2 bring some amount of happiness, peace and joy back into this war zone hellish life. And because of this I am able to self produce, manage and promote myself. I know the quality is lacking in alot of the recordings, 4 the simple fact that it takes so much time and effort 2 put together and so many songs R' coming 2 me daily that I'm just so over back logged and just don't know where 2 start 2 begin with. And I grew up listening 2 alot of those scratch ole blues records, thing's like Billie Holiday, Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf and loadz of 60's and 70's era bootlegs, home recordings and unrealsed out-takes and such that I just adored and thought were brilliant, more so all of times than the actual records that peole wre putting out. 4 one it waz real and down 2 earth and all, besides just being just good material without being all polihed up and what have U 4 a comercial audiance. I mean don't get me wrong there's a definate place and need 4 that as well, that I and we all need from time 2 time but I think we all need 2 take some time at least 2 enjoy a lil' moment of itrospectiveness and reflest upon hearing a song that just moves us, and what the words R' and what the meaning is and what could B' behind it that lye's in that artist head just as U would a painting. As I C' it as nothing more than that, as an audio art. I am not a musician and certainly not a musicians mucician I liken myself more 2 a painter painting a picture with words and sounds 2 express what lye's within' the heart. People just here a polished up pop tune, with some nice melody, or now days not even but because there friend likes it and every body else like it they gotta like it. We live in such a bandwagonesque society. When will the people learn 2 think 4 themselve's and take the time 2 research and find out about what it is that there supporting and that they like before they fall into what the groups doing without even knowing what they R' spending all there hard earned money on, and who they R' giving it 2. I listen 2 a song, and when I listen 2 a song I listen 2 what the lyrics R' and if I can't relate or believe in what the singers telling me than I'm out and I don't wanna know, no matter how good the music or the riffs R' or the hook line is, or what a great singer or guitarist the band may have. If I can't relate or agree than it's a waste of me time and I'm not going 2 support it or give those people my money. I C' so many kids who blindly go and buy records or sing along 2 songs in clubs and such that I know fine well could never even agree 2 or live up 2 what they R' saying but they do it just 2 fit in and all which is sad. I make recordings 2 express whats in my heart and in my soul, if ya don't like it or can't relate thats fine, I made it 4 myself and those who can and I especially thank those people and my heart goes out 2 them, thank you. Then theirs the studio and what 2 speak of the enormous amounts of money pro bands spend on recording and engineers and all the studio magic. It's all machines and nothings real anymore anyway, and theres a place 4 that as well but my heart really goes out 2 the artist who sits at home and toils over there own work and manualy puts themselves into what they R' doing as it's a heck of alot more personal and pleasing. It's like as well the differance between the guitar player who plays with heart and soul or the wanker who just looks around at the ceiling while just sounding like a bumble bee buzzing around everyones earholes. Even if somebody like that plays exactly the same thing note 4 note as somebady with heart and soul, U can still tell a definate differance and which would U rather hear ? And it's one thing 2 have a guy in a booth ta sit back and tell ya how it's sounding and hit record 4 ya while monitoring the levels and all but when ya gotta do all that yourself plus mix it down into something that actually resembles what U where playing, not 2 mention having 2 go back and do all most all the other trax on your own by yourself. It gets quite overwhelming. Especially when ya still gotta do and design, make and distribute all your own merchandise. I do all the graphics, from the photo's down 2 the recording's packaging it's self, with the acception of the " Nameless Wildness " cassette era stuff 'cause I had no means at that point and that waz my first release aside from just plain blank cassette tapes all throughout, but it waz because of that, and that that brought me ta realize if ya want somethin' done right and the way U want it ya gonna have ta do it yourself. And so I do, and this way at least I can produce a product that I am much more satisfied with without brakin' the bank having 2 pay some joker's a load just 4 somthing that ya ain't happy with and ain't up ta standards. Yah it's alot of work and it takes alot of time and money this way but at the end of the day when ya sittin' on the floor or just kicked back reading Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam, the Bible or anyother book of knowledge or scrpiture that will put your soul at rest and enliven U with enlightenment, then ya know, and then you'll know. It waz all worth while. Thank You all, I don't wanna say fans coz ya more like friends ta me, but I don't really know many of U so it's more impersonal than that, and yet the loving relationship and correspondance and feeling I get from those of U who care and I have touched in some way, who have touched me ...... What can I say ........ we're all spirit souls and spinters of Gods head, man, animal and beast alike. God is in the heart of everyone and all of U, so when I think of U, I just C' or think of God in each and everyone of U. Self Enlightenment and Self Realizations Really Where It's At ... Economic and Spiritual Developement Go Hand in Hand ... One Feeds the Other, So We Shouldn't Bite the Hand that Feeds Us ... PEACE !!! Thank U All Once Again ... Peace and Love, God is Love and " Love is All U Need "
God Bless Ya All and may there B' Peace in the World.
With Love,Your Servent, the Servant of the Servant of the Servant,
Daniel Hawthorn
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"Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul"
- A Tribute to Rock n' Roll's Original Band of " Elve's and Gypsy's" " Marc Bolan & T.Rex"
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1.) Children of Rarn (Live) 2.) 20th Century Boy (Live) 3.) Get it On (Live) Millennium Version 4.) Thunderwing (Bit of) Rough Demo 5.) Telegram Sam (Live) 6.) Metal Guru 7. ) Life&..39;s an Elevator 8. ) High (by Marc Bolan & Gloria Jones) 9. ) 20th Century Boy (Acoustic Version) 10. ) Children of the Revolution ) 11. ) Baby Strange 12. ) Get it On
(Relaxed Version)
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------
*Bonus Trax : 13. ) Center of the Mystic Lotus (live) 14. ) Makin' it Without U (2,000 Instrumental remix) 15.) Makin' it Without U (Nameless Wildness cassette versio ) 16. ) Crown Victorian 17. ) Moksha / Shanti (Peace through Liberation from the Body) Instrumental 18.) Center of the Mystic Lotus (2,000) 19. ) Killing fields (demo version) 20. ) Miss J (remix 2,000) 21. )Twisted Morality ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
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* The name comes from and is derived from Lord Shiva, Shiva Nataraj
(Lord of the Dance) the Cosmic Dancer who dances to the rhythms of the cosmos and the cosmic universe. And The Lord of the Universe's Lotus Feet. Om Namaha Shivaya, Shivaya Namaha Jaya Ma Parvati, Jaya Ma Parvati Jaya Maha Ganesh, Jaya Sri Ganesh Remover of Our Obstacles, Come Take Away Our Pain Jaya Mata Kali, Jaya Mata Durga Jai Ma Kali, Jai Ma Durga Namo Namo Hara Hara, Jai Maheshvara Namo Namo Kritaniyah Sada Hari Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare Jai Srimati Radharani, Jai Sri Krsna Jai Sri Sri Radha-Krsna - Jai Sri Hari With Lotus Petal Feet and Abdomen Imprint .....
I Pray for Thee
- DANCE !!! ,

E-MAIL : [email protected]
Daniel Hawthorn's Sweet & Lovely ... "Cosmic Soul" !!!
" Love is All U Need "
- Hari, Hari Bol & God Bless U All !!! -
- Rock On !!! -
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Miss J. ( The Story Behind Miss J.) By Daniel Hawthorn
Now its True that this song simply just has 2 verses, no chorus or anything like that Because its just simply not that kind of song, Now I've been Accused by people and Critics in the Press and all of Just being an Average Musician With Simpleton Lyrics Whether thats true or not is a matter of opinion and Remains 2 B Seen. But I Can Say that Miss J. is a Whole lot More than Just Simpleton Lyrics and When the Song Came Out of Me I Didn't Expect people 2 Get It, Either They Did or They Didn't But I Knew and I Knew What it Was 2 Me. Which is Simple a Portrait Painted Using the Thoughts that Those "Simpleton" Images Provoked in Me, as U see I was just Merely Reflecting on some Friends of Mine Who had Passed, Being the Lovely Johnnie Jones and then Later on Encompassing Both Johnnie and another Beloved Person Who the Images Also Brings 2 Mind who Had Also Passed Shortly After Who Very Much Also Was an Embodiment of the Whole Miss J. Character Which is the Lovely Margrette Banks and Became That as Well in My Mind as and so What U Have are Just a Few Simple Words that 2 Me Provoked An Image of these Womens Lives and so With That and Within That You Will Find the Beauty of Miss J. and Take it 4 What it's Worth, 4 I Know What it is and 4 What it Means 2 Me and I've Never Written anything 2 B Commercial or Appease the So Called "Music" Critics or "Music World" but Only 2 Sooth The Soul of My "Astro" Self Who is really the Talent in Me Anyway as I am Only a Sort of Transmitter or Speaker 4 What is Given 2 Me. I Don't Nor Have I Ever Been or Considered Myself Part of that "Musicians Musician" Kind of Ilk Yet Rather Pure and Simply Just an Audio Artist . I Paint Pictures With Sounds and Emotions and My Ears R' My Canvas. I Only Ever Play Really What I Feel or is Channeled through Me. I Don't Sit Down 2 Write and Plot out the Best Chords and Melody and Hook Lines so 2 Speak Cause It just Comes 2 me In a Dream, as I Could Never Just Sit Down 2 the Guitar and Work Out Some Chords and all and Say Here U R' , Heres Your Song Cause I'm Just not that Good it's My other self, My "Astro" Self from Another Life Time Who's all That and I am Merely that which is Given 2 me and What I Absorb Through That. "Miss J." C - Have U Seen Miss J. F - I Know Her Life's Been Hard R.I.P.. My Beloved C - Wars Have Torn Her Angel's Em - World Apart C - Have U Seen Miss J. F - Has She Walked This Way C - Can U Tell Me Where Em - She's Gone
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"Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul"

Daniel Want's U !!!
So Cum & Ride It Baby !!!
And Cum Join My Sweet ...
Sweet ... Cosmic Soul Train !!!
So Take a Hop ...
Skip or a ... Jump !!!
Whatever It Takes 2 Get On Board
And Ride the Cosmic Express !!!
Cum & Ride My ...
Sweet Cosmic Wheel'z !!!
As I'll B' Waiting ... 4 U !!!
With So Much ...
Peace, Luv & Sweet Cosmic Bliss !!!
A Hug & A Kiss !!!
A Sweet, Sweet ...
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul: Makin' It Without U / Sunshine
Now Cum & Cum Check Out These ...
Hot Cosmic Linx 4 More ... Soul !!!
Daniel Hawthorn & Cosmic Soul
The Cosmic One
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Tilldawn Cosmic Soul Homepage

My Interests


Member Since: 9/25/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

- **** Daniel Hawthorn ****
** Sweet Soul Sister **
** And the Cosmic Choir **
A Variety of Studio Musician's ***** Cosmic Soul *****
*** Now Seeking Female Vocalist's 4 Background And Lead Vocals, as Well as Other Musician's 4 Live Gigs And Future Recordings, Ect.


And See Our Other ...
Cosmic Pages:

- Old School, 60's & 70's Rock, R&B, Soul ... Indie Music, Bhajans , Kirtans & Just the All Around Souds of India ... Everything From ...
George Harrison,
Ravi Shankar,
Lil' Richard ...
Marc Bolan & T.Rex,
Cat Stevens,
Alice Cooper,
Kiss, The Who ...
Miss Billy Holiday,
Sade, The Ronettes,
The Supremes,
Ike & Tina Turner ... Bauhaus,
Love & Rockets,
Tones on Tail,
The Temptations ...
And Everything
in This World ...
As Everything
In This World
Has Its Influence ...
In One Way,
Shape or Form
of Another ...
Has Its Influence
And Barring
On Us All.

And Especially ...
The Messanger's
From Inner Space !!!

Om Shanti, Shanti Om

Dance !!!
Dance 2 the Rhythm
Of the Universe ...
Dance 2 the Rhythm ...
Of Your Heart !!!
Dance 2 the ...
Mystic Lotus !!!

Sounds Like:

- A Lil' Ole T.Rex,
A Lil' This, a Lil' That ...
Everything That Has
Come Before and Just a Bit of
Us in There as Well

Go Baby Driver !!!
Arianna Radhika's ...
At the Wheel !!!

Sharliyn Narayani's
Turn 2 Ride !!!

Our Sweet Baby's ...
Cosmic Lil' Car !!!

Mmmmmhhh ...
Let's ... Get It On !!!

Record Label: Cosmic Productions, Inc.

My Blog

A Lil' More on Me & My Thoughts on God 4 the Day ...

Namaste, Hola & Hey, Hi, Hello 2 Everyone ...Just a Lil' Bit More on Me & My Thoughts on God 4 the Day ...As I Don't Smoke or Drink ... I'm Vegitarian & Luv 2 Eat.And Have Been Like This 4 As Far Back...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:28:00 GMT

Christ, Christos, Krsta, Krishna - the Name is the Same

HOME  RELIGION     For all Hare Krishna books, MP3's, DVD Videos, incense, etc. Christ and Krishna - the Name is the Same   --> Web ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 02:40:00 GMT

Our ... "Tainted Love"

"Tainted Love"Recorded Live 2 a Small Audiance Durring a Simple Sound Check ...We Hope That This, Our Lil' Rendition, Will Help Bring Back ...And Capture the Original Soulfull Sound & Mood ...Of T...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:28:00 GMT

"VEGETARIANISM: A Means to a Higher End"

VEGETARIANISM: A Means to a Higher End   ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ The word vegetarian, coined by the founders of the British Vegetarian Society in ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:25:00 GMT

"Favorite Quotes, Philosophy & Just General Useful Information"

"Science Without Religious Knowledge is Mere Speculation,And Religion Without Scientific Knowledge is Pure Fanaticism."- Shrila Prabhupada Heaven is, as Past is Gone ... Past is Gone Thou Canst Not R...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:21:00 GMT

"From T.B.I. to Godhead"

  "Initiation and Glorification of Guru"  (From T.B.I to God)   Namas te,Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.This is  basicly ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:19:00 GMT

A Life's Story ...

Hi, Hello ...Mmmmmhhh, Ahhh, Well Just 2 Share a Lil Bit of My Life's Story ...But Its gonna take some time ...( So, I Only Hope I can Keep Your Interest )As I have seen and been through so much, &nbs...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:15:00 GMT