Mussels profile picture


Optimism breeds disappointment

About Me

Have you ever known something, but not really known how to explain it in a way that everyone else can understand? I have that problem all the time. The funny thing is that I really enjoy interacting with people, but I'm horribly afraid of them when I first meet them. Eh, bit of a problem, I know. But I'm working on it.

My Interests

Trying to understand social interactions. They boggle the mind.

I'd like to meet:

Okay, I really don't like the idea of meeting someone on My Space. It just sounds too... freaky... So please, ask. Oh, one more thing, I ask one favor of you, send me a message on My Space before you invite me to be your friend. I feel so violated otherwise.


Yes, I listen to music. There's not really a type, I just go for up-beat. That's all that I really ask for.






If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff, Blankets by Craig Thompson


Mariah and Kate