Back in the day I was Djing Rap music til I met the Late Eddie Rivera (RIP) & he introduced me to Lil'Louie Vega way before he made his name known, one day I was hangin @ the record pool over on 52nd St. & Louie was playin Funky music & to my knowledge I fell in love w/ Dance Music ever sense, so I watched & listen to Louie DJ & he told me how to blend perfect mixes cause there's parts of a song you can mix in with another @ certain points like during the break so from there I learned then came Freestyle Music that's when I fell in love then I Master the mixin by watching Louie, But before all that I was doin Graffiti my Graffiti name was & still is PeteSki but in the FreeStyle world I'm known as DJ.Pete Luv.
Now I stopped DJin for awhile so I can focus on my Graffiti clothing line & cap line called "Caps by PeteSki" I have a partner his name is Frank & we have contracts coming up for Budweiser , Anyway I'm coming back to do my DJing again soon so keep your ears open & eye's wide open cause DJ.Pete Luv will be BACK!