MeN-oN profile picture


Wei,pass la bola ! Babi !!!!!

About Me

85kg of flesh and bone who likes to talk about life and who thinks that Bill Clinton is cooler than Bush Jr!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

AnYB0dY wHo Is s0m3BoDy wHo cAn g3t aL0ng aNd h4vE tOnS of fUn!!! aNd to tH0sE wh0 aRe mY fRienDs In tH3 pAst, pReSenT n fuTuRe!!! HoLLa!!!


BuTTeRFinGerS,FoOFighteRs,Blink182,SuM41,nirVaNa,Jay-Z,P-did dY,PhaRell, SnooDogg, SheilaOn7,DeWa, MatchbOx tWenty,Avril laVigne, Mars Volta, SugarRay,Britney SpeaRs,Christina Aguilera,Sugababes,Pink,LIkinParK, SmashMouth,DanielBedingfiled,Incubus,LostProphets,Muse,Kanye West,MissyElliot, and Lagu Negaraku!


Gladiator, JurassicPark, SomethingAboutMary, KillBill, LoTR trilogy, Starwars Legacy, BadBoys I n II, Scarface, MyBestFriendsWedding, Snatch, FightClub, PirateofCarribean, ItalianJob, TheBigHit, ShaolinSoccer, FightBackToSchool, ABeautifulMind, Negotiator, AmericanBeauty, AmericanPie, NotAnotherTeenMovie, ScaryMovie, TheGodfather, Bandits, Trainspotting n still many more.....


CSI, CSI:Miami, Alias, ACook'sTour, Rides, MonsterGarage, ScreenSavers, Sportcenter, MTVCribs, ChannelVTravelSick, Globetrekker, XPlay, EverybodyLovesRaymond, DrewCareyShow, 24, Taken, 4400, Band of Brothers, Oprah, LAteNightWDaveLetterman