About Me
& Love...
I am a writer...
open minded and free...
delicate, but still strong...
one of life's eager students...
I learn from experience...
teach through example...
believing that loss is just a gateway for gain.
I live to laugh...
cry through joy...
I believe in true love
and that Karma exists...
Music gives me a feeling I wont try to explain...
I love Art and good movies...
Reading relaxes me...
my dog is my best friend...
I have a love for nature...
a passion for living...
Faith is my rock.
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I live in Black & White...
dream in Color
A Lover of life ,
Master of the Unexpected and Explorer of the world . I live to create memories and embark upon magical moments…like the beach at sunset or hearing the crunch of dry leaves under my feet during a chilly hike in the woods.
Passion drives me …
passion to explore physical and intellectual boundaries and push the envelope; to paint my world with the same brush and colors that I use to paint my canvas. I am captivated by the unknown; a partisan of art, a music enthusiast, and a lover of beauty.
Some think I am strange …
and I agree, I am different. I take pride in being inimitable. I'm almost always Misunderstood, but thats ok. I may be imperfectly perfect, Unconventional, Crazy, Honest, Inexplicable, Solitary, Complex, frustratingly ambiguous; sometimes apathetic but I am always inspired.
I am constantly thinking …
My mind won’t let me sleep,
maybe that’s why I feel so high all the time.
What else can I say except, this is “Meâ€
… My world is the only place that truly holds no bounds.
~Siobhan Gamble
.... ..
My Blog
The Black Hair Obsession
The "Black Hair" Obsession: a Black Woman's Perspective
"Your hair looks crazy when it gets all puffy on the top. It makes you look like a cartoon character". As much as my friend (who happens to be ...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 19:36:00 GMT
Living Vicariously Through Myself
Yes, we all have dreams. I've had plenty throughout the years.Writing a book and getting it published one day&Moving to Virginia one day&Moving back to Virginia one day...One day landing a great job i...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 17:04:00 GMT
My new gig...
is SOOOOOOO GREAT! I am so excited!!! :) All of my hard work, faith and patience finally paid off. It was hard to see it back then, but the struggle had only been preparing me for the many blessings t...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 16:22:00 GMT
No Ordinary Girl. No Ordinary Blog.
Ok, I'll admit--I'm a different king of girl. I'm sure that most men are use to the type of girl who always wants to be up under him, smothering him& who always wants to know whether or not he's think...
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 17:51:00 GMT
Siobhan is Dead!
Bronx-born writer, poet and author formally known as Siobhan Gamble, has died in her Connecticut home today at age 26. Well on her way to a promising future, she had just completed her first book, "Br...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:47:00 GMT
How do you know when you found the right Man/Woman? Powerful message by Creflo Dollar
Powerful message by Minister Creflo Dollar This question is a valid one and many of us have asked the same thing. Some of us who didn't ask the question have suffered tremendously because we choose a ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 23:43:00 GMT
A Writers Pain
Of course I am supposed to be working right now; which is actually doing the same damn thing I am doing right nowwriting. The only difference is a paycheck and I am pretty sure that Tom or any one of...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:46:00 GMT
The Dating Game: Are You Playing By the Rules?
The dating game--some have always been curious as to why it is referred to as such; because if it is supposedly so much of a "game", then shouldn't it be fun? Of course; so when does the fun part actu...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:32:00 GMT
Is Your Prince a Toad?
This is an article that I wrote about identifying the "Red Flags" in potentially abusive relationships. It may save you or someone else you know, their life. Please click the link ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 15:52:00 GMT
NEVER accept a "Certificate of Completion"! Spread the word!
What Bush really means is, "No wealthy Child Left Behind" As if Bush hasn't already caused enough damage; by passing the "No Child Left Behind" act, he is now coming after our children. He claims, "We...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:56:00 GMT