Ok Ready?I'm 27 y/o and living in Manhattan, attended Columbia University and earned a masters in clinical social work in May.I believe in GoD. I enjoy going to bars and clubs—I can go out every night -- I go to have fun. I don’t think you can meet a quality guy at a bar/club—best bet is to meet them through friends/school/grocery store or at your nearest vending machine.You should want someone not need them.What makes Life FuN?
Your Attitude. Your Persepective. It’s the only thing that you have control over.Challenging yourself.Focus on the positive and surround yourself with truly good, honest, intelligent people. I love to be around people that I can’t get enough of—that they next day I want to be with them again.If I can criticize myself I can also compliment myself!!!!Life is short PLAY HARDYour word is so important—if you don’t have that you don’t have much. But you have the right to change your mind.I love my family. They are everything to me—they make me feel like anything is possible, they provide support and most importantly I trust them. I love my home, the enormous and beautiful garden my mom tends to everyday is my sanctuary. I miss picking from one of the dozen fruit trees we have—pomegranates, blackberries, figs, apples, lemons, plums, peaches—they are so tasty an juicy. I miss hearing the birds—especially seeing the peacocks roaming.I don’t watch TV because I believe real life is better than a 1-hour show. I’d rather be around people than sit and watch someone else’s ideas/perspectives on TVI have a blessed life. Not much has gone wrong. Everything is the way it’s supposed to be. I have no complaints—except that I want to keep doing more.I love New York City. I’m never bored—there is always something to do with someone. It’s such a stimulating environment-- I can’t imagine myself anywhere else but here.If you want to play with me you better learn the rules. I’m in love with God cause it’s the only way. You think I’m crazy—you’re probably right but I’m going to have Fun every night. I’m going to another light. How about you?