Dan profile picture


About Me

I hate people (in general),
But I don't despise anyone in particular.
I love grape soda although I don't drink it anymore;
too much sugar and bad for the teeth.
I love eating crabs and other shellfish even though I'm allergic (two words: build tolerance). I wear clothes from 8 years ago.
I'm not the biggest fan of vegetables, but I know they are good for me.
I dislike the way my hair usually looks, and also when my face turns green after drinking too much.
Sometimes I think about how to play the stockmarket,
and then I just gamble my money instead (not often).
I also really like bustin out some breakmoves and some liquid (when appropriate). Dancing with girls is fun too.
I love playing drums, and finally I love diving.
You know, off someplace high above the water.

Anyway, thought I'd write something you might care to know. Cuz I'm a killa lion!

My Interests

Drums, khakis, and hot wet bitches.

I'd like to meet:

Fries, Soda, and Cigarettes for a one-on-one heart-to-heart attack.


Check out my song of the day (above).


Warriors!!! Come out to play ee ayyy.


Last night's show was watching me make a complete fool of myself. And then I got punched in the face for no reason. Again.


I read all day long. It will be apparent once you meet me. I am extremely well spoken. But when you snap me out of a daydream, it's another story.Geographically, if you give me a globe and name a country I can find it in 5 seconds. Try me.


Juice users. Scenesters. Pranksters. Ripped Fools. Yellers. Drunken Revelers.
Ha, right.

My Blog

If you want to be my friend on Myspace...

1.  Have a picture 2.  Do not have a link to a place where I can "win" an ipod, wii, or a computer virus 3.  Do not have a picture of an ass on your page that clearly isn't yours. 4.&nb...
Posted by Dan on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:39:00 PST