Playing the trumpet for money, playing the trumpet for myself, listening to good music, crossword puzzles, cribbage, bucket mutes, Wawa Iced Tea, driving to nowhere at night in the rain, fishing, silence.
People I can hang out with for hours and not have to talk with, but still have a great time.-Dr. Pepper-Mr. Goodwrench-The Michelin Man-The inventor of the foam cooler-Sarah Plain and Tall-Jolly Green Giant
This is constantly evolving but currently some favorites are: Clark Terry, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Elvis, Johnny Hartman, Tom Kubis, Kenny Dorham, Jack Sheldon, Chet Baker, Maurice Andre, Woody Shaw, and Freddie Hubbard.
Godfather Trilogy, Casino Royale (the original with Peter Sellers and Orson Wells), Star Wars, many movies.
All of the Law and Orders, Cops, Histories Mysteries, History Channel, Reno 911, Venture Brothers, Harvey Birdman, House, and Arrested Development.
The Real America, Levin's Men in Black, Paradise Lost, L'Morte d'Arthur, Henry V, many others
Too many to list, but most notably, my immediate family, my friends, and God