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I fancy Lo-Tech(Lolita Technology)Magick from the future. This Profile page is a living psychocosom{My own sublime meme} that applies what I know of the mystic arts. Hypnotic's rule my world in every way shape and form. The music I listen to, the movies I watch, the books I read, the pictures I look at, the patterns I doodle, the words I like, the thoughts I have, the things I do. A trail of information that only lead's back to the beginning of itself. The things understood are usually hard to put into words. I like crazy-insane-mobius-strip-info[with a little catch-22, for dramatic effect] that is beautiful to understand. *****MIDI FAQ***** MIDI (Musical/Insturment/Digital/Interface) is pronounced like: mini or Minnie . Girl ( Young/Feminine/Gender) is pronounced like swirl or mural...! 23 is a double digit number birthed from the second and third numbers starting from one. (nijuu_san) , Midori_chan is my cell-phone (Keitai-Kawaii). "Nyo!" is cute suffix straight from the "cute slang queen" Digi_Charat
I edited my profile with Digi-Charat Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
This is Digi_Charat..... NYO!
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