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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Dustin. I am an devout Satanist and I love DEATH METAL. I am kind of a mix of a person because there's my heavy side, my geek side, and my philosopher side. I play guitar in C standard on a Jackson RR3 or in D standard on an ESP LTD KH-202.I like to program and anyone that knows me will know that I HATE Windows. I use Linux and only revert back if I absolutely have to (ie. games, MediaMonkey) and only use hacked versions such as XP Black Edtition. I also play a game called Magic: The Gathering on most Friday nights and run a vampire aggro deck for anyone who reads this and actually plays lol. (Working on a variation of the dredge/unearth deck) I have a strong interest in philosophy and the human psyche. Other than my computer science PRE-AP class, my favourites were Psychology and Sociology. I also have an interest in history such as wars and empires, even though I didn't do to well in them school-wise lol.
I love to read Thorin's work as well as Anton LaVey. Thorin outlines the behaviour of the human "sheep" population and the use of propaganda. Anton LaVey focuses more on the human dependence on religion. If you know about Satanism you will not be confused about a religion that is also anti-religion. I also like to learn about the old gods, ie. Zues, Odin, Jupiter, etc. (And yes I do know that Jupiter IS Zues all you critics)
One thing I absolutely hate is a person that thinks they are the coolest thing since the internet. For example, I worked with a guy who always bragged about how cool he was and how much pussy he got. I constantly wanted to punch him in the face, not because of jealousy or anything, but it was just that annoying. Basically if you are a person that isn't a poser, I will probably like you because there aren't many people that I don't like.
Another fact about me is that I am a HUGE patriot. Don't say anything bad about America when I'm around. I don't care what you say about people in office, yes I know most of them are corrupt. I'm not a blind patriot. But I do fully support the troops that die for us and that is why I am going to put my computer skills to good use instead of getting thrown in prison. I am going to go to UTSA and join the ROTC program and after that I am joining the Air-Force as a CyberWarrior, their hacker squad, for those who don't know. I am moving back to San Antonio this summer.And just like any person, you can't put me down on paper, so those of you that actually have an interest in meeting me, go ahead and email.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All my heroes.

My Blog

Vampire Deck

[MAIN DECK]1 Sorin Markov1 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen1 Malakir Bloodwitch4 Vampire Nocturnus4 Bloodghast4 Gatekeeper of Malakir4 Vampire Hexmage4 Vampire Nighthawk3 Duress3 Sign in Blood4 Tendrils of Corr...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 07:16:00 GMT

Tell Me About Yourself Survey

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:DustinBirthday:Novermber 22, 1989Birthplace:VermontsVilleCurrent Location:TexasEye Color:BlooHair Color:Dark BrownHeight:About 5'6"Right Handed or Left Handed:R...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:44:00 GMT