*****Writer's Block is a contemporary performance night for live literature, short films topped off with a musical tinge and enriched with the beautifuly eclectic vibe of young London. If personified, Writer's Block is
A writer, poet, story teller, filmaker...but perhaps not the conformist ideal of these things.
I write with an empasssioned pen.
I taste the world with my weapon of choice.
I am a wordist.
I may not be Politically Correct.
I make no apolgies for delving beyond stereotypes and expectations.
I create.
I feel.
I watch.
Careful;I might just swear.
My view of poetry and expression moves far beyond headwraps and insense.
I do not click my fingers to seem profound.
I write/speak and convey MY truth.
I make mistakes.
I laugh.
My performance is reflection NOT imitation.
I encourage other like minded-young, free speakers to have a platform.
Catch Writer's Block on 17TH JUNE 2009.
Writer's Block Be Blogging.
All The words, sights and sounds from the literary world and beyond await you at the click of an icon (below). Ah go on.