See the videos! I'm a Capoeira fanatic. It is how I make ends meat and how I express my own personal divinity! I've always wanted to be very proficient at Capoeira since I was a small child. I alway wanted to do a martial art that without question belong to BLACK PEOPLES of African decent!! This way my own identity in who it is genetically I am as a nubian is STRENGTHENED to the highest levels. The fictious character EDDY GORDO really broke me out of the (contextual framework) of Asians having the dominant martial arts image! EDDY GORDO was the ONE! A pure representation of BLACK POWER on the TV screen! and CAPOEIRA shined everyday I played TEKKEN, feeding me the PURE DESIRE to train CAPOEIRA to this day! I'm into elevating my consciousness to higher and greater levels in general!! And finally I am not into working for the white supremacist establishment in no way! Because when you do that you help these demonic Europeans who have colonized the world continue to stay in power to oppress people globally! I support staying out the ficticious MATRIX if you will, I support the BLACK MAN and WOMAN being in power and having our own nation; and we will NEVER have that working for white people and their JOBS! No matter how you look at it. I am very blessed to have brothers on myspace that deal with this kind of information daily on their page! Brothers like KING NOBLE, RAYNARD THA X-MAN, MENTAL ARCHITECT and so many others! If you are offended and/or doubt the truth of my position go to their pages and inform yourself to what is going on in America as well as the rest of the WORLD! They will always rule over us if our thinking stays LIMITED to the MATRIX of suffering, lies,MORAL SIN and oppression! LET THEM TELL IT FROM THEIR OWN MOUTHS!!! (just click and listen) GET OUT THE MATRIX NOW!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Highly evolved and conscious BLACK PEOPLE who are looking to build their own society and nation!! HOLLA IF U HEAR ME