The Beatles. Writing scripts/stories/blogs/poems/hate mail. Introducing people to my favorite restaurants (namely one that starts with a C and ends with hipotle.) Sports (Red Sox. Dodgers. Kings. Rams. Trojans.) Getting mad at myself for no reason and sinking in a self-deprecating train of thought that doesn't go away until I forget who I am for a minute.
The other half of the sky.
I am always listening to music, singing music, whistling/humming music, or hearing music in my head. I always wanted to be a musician but I never had talent. In high school I wrote a script about me and my three friends. The main character was named Todd and was a jokester and liked The Beatles and bowling and had spikey hair-- vaguely based on someone I know ;) Anyways, "Todd" wanted to become a musician and blah blah blahness. Pretty much, if you were as lame as me in high school you would have written a script making yourself cool, too. So after writing that script, I decided to take my love of writing with me to film school where I sat with a bunch of cynical, pocket pool playing, talentless lamos who smelled like Stridex Pads and yelled at me for never seeing the Godfather (save for a few who I liked). Anyways, 7 years later I am working for bad television shows, still never seen the Godfather, listening to people talk about what they read in Variety and not caring at all, and just wishing that I knew how to play a fucking guitar.
Movies that, when they are over, make me go home and start writing. It's hard for me to get inspired to write these days except for monetary reasons such as, "You don't make enough money at your job and you are in debt. You should write something." But when this is my inspiration, what I write turns into something I want to sell, rather than being what it should be, which is simply something that I want to say.
I don't read as much as I should and I am sufficiently embarrassed by this. I wish I was smarter but not so I could be smart, but so I could act smart and have people think I was smart and talk to me at parties and when I leave think to themselves, "Wow, he's smart." Where as now, all they ever think is "Wow, he's drunk." And I'll be honest, it's much easier for me to drink a whole bottle of Jagermeister than it is to read a whole book.
John Lennon.