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it doesn't take much to put a smile on my face.
im really shy and self concious.
im honest and jealous.
i am cold and distant, yet warm and close
to those who deserve to see that side of me.
i cant be fucked with people who are only gunna hang around for 10 minutes untill they find someone better to be with.
i know who my real friends are, and i wouldn't change one part about them, nor would i replace them.
i'm fascinated by everything around me.
i'm an affectionate person who loves hugs and kisses :)
i'm one who can sit and think for hours and still wont be quite done.
i love learning new things.
music is amazing.
it's there for me when no one else is + it expresses every feeling i could ever have.
DOWNLOAD 08 :):):)
mark makes me a happy person:)