Different Languages, Cultures and People, The Elements of Hiphop, Dominoes, The gym... ~~Crazy night OUT~~
Oprah cuz she is da bomb. Celine Dion cuz she got Soul. The right guy cuz hes out there. My future employees cuz i will be my own boss. Me in 5 years cuz there aint no stoppin me.God cuz hes My King and Elvis cuz hes Da King.
All except Metal and Eletronic ( or whateva its called). I aint into that head banging crap and I like lyrics so there you go
All The TMNT, Rockys 1-4, Ghost, Grease 1 and 2, Golden Child, Beverly Hills cop, Commando, Total Recall, Color Purple, Interview with An Vampire, Independence Day, The Matrix ( all of them), and there is some more I just cant remeber them.
Martin, Family Guy, Futurama, Living Color, Dr. 90210, Orange County wives, Project Runway, Fairly Odd parents, Jimmy Neutron, Runs House, Best week ever, Scrubs, My wife and Kids, Scrubs, I love the 80's/70's/90's, and last but not least.... Brazilian NOVELAS!!!
THE Bible of course and "If you really loved me" by Ann Rule
God/Jesus( they are the BOMB!), My mom and Grandmothers, Crims and Chin ( Fairly Odd parents), Ultralord (Jimmy Neutron), Mermaid Man and Barnickel boy ( SpongeBob Squarepants)