girls layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments~* !'M JU$ Mz.B33....T@K3 !T OR L3@V3 !T *~
About you!!
Name?: ~*!Mz.B33!*~
Nicknames?: B33
Age?: 20
DOB?: 12/23/88
Birthplace?: B!RM!NGH@M
Hieght?: 4'11
Wieght?: 105
Hair Color?: BL@CK
Eye Color?: BROWN
Town/City?: D@ H@M/D@ GUMP
State?: @L
Right or left handed?: R!GHT
Piercings, if yes what?: Y3@
Contact's or glasses?: N3!TH@
Brace's?: NOP3
Tattoo's, if yes of what & where?: [email protected]
What are your parents name?: M@ n D@DDY
Do you have any pets, if so what & their names?: NOP3
This or that:
long sleeve or short sleeve?: $HORT
Pants or shorts?: $HORT$
Scary movie or comedy?: BOTH
Tv or movie?: BOTH
Beach or mountain?: B3@CH
Morning or night?: N!GHT
Choclate or vanilla?: V@N!LL@
Black or white?: BL@CK
Hamburger or hotdog?: HOTDOG
Gold or silver?: GOLD
City or country?: C!TY
Computer or cell phone?: C3LL
Car or truck?: C@R
Mcdonalds or burger king?: BURG3R K!NG
Rap or rock music?: R@P
Quiet or shy?: N3!TH@
Love or money?: BOTH
Fruit or veggy?: FRU!T
Looks or personality?: BOTH
Shower or bath?: $HOW3R
Dishes or laundry?: L@UNDRY
Cat or dog?: DOG
Summer or winter?: $UMM@
Sprite or 7up?: $PR!T3
Pepsi or coke?: W@T$ D@ D!FF3R3NC3!?!
Hugs or kisses?: BOTH
Wet or dry?: DRY
Have you ever/do you:
Jumped into a pile of leaves?: N@WL
Stayed up all night?: Y3P
Told a joke that no one thought was funny?: ! D!D...D@T$ @LL D@T M@TT@
Smiled for no reason?: @LL D@ T!M3
Danced in the rain?: H3LL N@WL
Skipped school?: DUH....WHO H@$N'T
Whished upon a star?: NOP3
Been on a plane?: Y3@
Shot a gun?: Y3P
Gone hunting?: NOP3
Get mad easily?: [email protected]@ WORK ON !T
Smoked?: U$3 2
Drinked?: Y3@
Cuss?: B@D H@B!T
Been in love?: Y3@....
Been cheated on?: DON'T TH!NK $O
Cheated on someone?: $ORRY
Sat on your roof?: H3LL N@WL
Seen a ghost?: NOP3
Gone camping?: NOP3
Sing in the shower?: $UM T!M3$
Had sex?: NUN OF YO B!Z
Been in a cop car?: LOL N@WL....
Broken a bone?: NO
Had stitches?: NOP3
Song?: J33zY-V@C@T!ON
Movie?: B@BY BO!
Ice cream?: $UP3R M@N
Alc. drink?: BLU3 MUTH@[email protected] !$L@ND
Drink?: DR.P3PP3R
Purfume?: PUR3 $3DUC!ON
Flower?: RO$3
Candy?: NOW n L@T@$
Animal?: DOG
Tv show?: L@W n ORD3R
Book?: LOL....
Shampoo?: MOT!ON$
Soap?: DOV3
Color?: BLU3
Holiday?: CHR!$TM@$
Pizza topping?: B@CON
Season?: $UMM@
Food?: @NY TH@NG
Do you sleep alone?: LOL...$UMT!M3$
Do you snore?: NOP3
Is your room clean?: Y3@
Are your parents still married?: Y3@
Are you superstitious?: NO
Do you still sleep with a night light?: NOP3
Are you affriad of the dark?: N@WL
Can you sleep without something covering you?: Y3@
Is your hair up or down?: DOWN
Greatest fear?: DY!N
Are you a virgin?: NUN OF YO B!Z
Life after death?: Y3@
True love?: Y3P
Santa clause?: NO
Hell?: Y3@
Ghosts?: NOP3
Soul mates?: ! GU3$$
Karma?: H3LL Y3@...
Magic?: ! GU3$$
Angels?: Y3@
Love at first sight?: M@YB
Heaven?: Y3@
God?: Y3$
That everything happens for a reson?: Y3P
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