• "Peter Dahl-Collins’ ink1 is based in London but he continues to work with an international host of vocalists. Current ink1 collaborators include artists from the UK, Canada, Holland and the United States. Using electronics, guitars and spoken vocals, ink1 create 'movie of the mind' atmospheres ... Brilliant." www.1sound.com
• "Haunting, evocative, energetic, addicting ... this is a concept and a group that is redefining musical/emotional creativity. Can't get enough."
• "This is beautiful, tense and chilling music..."
• "insider" is just the kind of high-end, aural iconoclasm that I've come to expect from ink1. With pretty/scary spoken word vox from co-conspirator Poppy Gonzalez (ex-Dreamfield), ink1 has created a lush - and very well produced - dark vision that can be explored in under five minutes. But it stays with you longer than that. Like a powerful dream that disturbs you in ways you can't describe, insider remains long after the bass and vox have abandoned you to create surreal visions in someone else's head. I've never liked star ratings, but if intergalactic push came to shove, I'd give this one an entire horsehead nebula."
• "Very cool and I highly recommend it. If you're doubtful about listening to spoken word, go for it anyway. A couple of these tracks really kick it (including the "important guitars"!). Plus the vocalists deliver in a way that allows you to hear the whole piece as music if that's where your ears and head want to go. Tracks that are as worthwhile to listen to as they are to think about. "
music - Peter Dahl-Collins
guitars - Michael Parker
words and vocals - Laurie Fraser
Poppy Gonzalez, Bryan Williams, Daniel Iorio, Peter Dahl-Collins, Shauna Skye, Keith Axford, Thea Etienne, Carina, Lyn/n, Jill no Jack
hear: ink1 radio interview (peter speaks)
read: Heart of the Night ink1 interview (peter told)
chat: ink1 interactive blog (we're all guilty of it)