everything happens for a reason... profile picture

everything happens for a reason...

I am here for Friends

About Me

tony iz me name. i hate henry. thea. i like the beverly legal wall, skating, graffiti, doing graffiti, killing babies and stapling them to trees, hellen keller, elis band room, hating henry, drawing, art in general, and killing babies. my AIM address is "TONYDUDE911".....
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: hazEl
Hair Color:: brown
Height:: 5' 2?
Favorite Color:: blue
Screen Name:: TonYDuDe911
Favorite Band:: uh....idk i hav alot...
Favorite Movie:: lords of dogtown
Favorite Show:: king of the hill
Your Car:: an older ford truck...yea ROCK IT OUT
Your Hometown:: BeLmONt
Your Present Town:: BeLmONT
Your Crushes First Name:: ********************************************
Your Grade:: frosh BABY
Your Style:: skaterat, punk
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: nope
Kissed someone in the rain?: nope
Danced in a public place?: yes
Smiled for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: ALL THE TIME!seriously
Peed your pants after age 8?: nope
Written a song?: yes...RYAN!
Sang to someone for no reason?: idk....thas gay
Performed on a stage?: no?
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yes
Made out in a theatre?: idk....0o0o0o
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: no
Been in love?: idk
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: harlEY
Tell you, I love you?: christine....but in a friend way
Kiss you?: ******get it
Hug you?: palig.....gah!
Tell you BYE?: idk sum frends wen i left?
Write you a note?: my mom wen she leaves at 6 in the mornin
Take your photo?: sam mosca
Call your cell phone?: stefan,christine
Buy you something?: idk
Go with you to the movies?: danny, henry
Sing to you?: uh?...gay
Write a poem about you?: idk again.....
Text message you?: harley
Touch you?: my cat....or are you talking about sexually?
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: last night
Time you cried?: idk.....last month or sumthin...but because of a adrenaline rush
Movie you watched?: um...i forget..?
Joke you told?: what sizzles and meows....a cat in a chinese food restraunt...jp
Song you've sang?: astro zombies-misfits
Time you've looked at the clock?: 7:29 a.m.
Drink you've had?: gingerale
Number you've dialed?: harleys ..
Book you've read?: catcher in the rye...school
Food you've eaten?: progressive soup
Flavor of gum chewed?: bubble gum flavored
Shoes you've worn?: adios bam v2s
Store you've been in?: olympia sports
Thing you've said?: shhhhh!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yes
Whistle?: yes
Blow a bubble?: yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Dance?: sure
Gleek?: wtf?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: hell yes!
Speak a different language?: a lil bit...
Impersonate someone?: yes
Prank call people?: ALL THE Tiempo
Make a card pyramid?: yes
Cook anything?: sure like hotdogs and stuff like that
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: cat i wood meow
I wish ...: i had more wishes
So many people don't know that ...: i will do anything besides stuff that is literally gay...
I am ...: a skater
My heart is ...: black..JP
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[Marital Status] shiiiiiit
[Shoe size] 10.5
[Parents still together] nope
[Siblings] 2
[Pets] 9(its crazzy)
[Color] bluE
[Number] 6
[Animal] k9
[Drinks] water and rade of the gator
[Soda] coke
[Book] skateboarder magazine
[Flower] white rose
[Color your hair?] brown with natural light highlights
[Twirl your hair?] no
[Have tattoos?] yep?of course not...yet ;)
[Have Piercings?] no
[Cheat on tests/homework?] ARE U KIDDING...IM PRO NEVER GOT CAUGHT...ask anybody
[Drink/Smoke?] no wayy!!!!(jarrod)
[Like roller coasters?] never been on 1
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] nope
[Want more piercings?] no
[Like cleaning?] no
[Write in cursive or print?] prinT
[Own a web cam?] yea
[Know how to drive?] yea
[Own a cell phone?] yea
[Ever get off the damn computer?] barely..DAMN U SCHOOL
[Been in a fist fight?] eh kinda
[Considered a life of crime?] of course G
[Considered being a hooker?] not a hooker but a prostitute(not sexually)
[Lied to someone?] hu hasnt...i kno u all hav!
[Been in love?] no
[Made out with JUST a friend?] no
[Been in lust?] yea me and my friends always hav orgies(not all dudes....sick minds)
[Used someone] yea....still im using danny to let my anger out on
[Been used?] idk
[Been cheated on?] been cheated off of on a test...
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] sam and mad other peeps....its my catch phraZe
[Stolen anything?] yea
[Held a gun] held shot and killed
[Current clothing] pajama droors and a grey hurley shirT
[Current mood] apathetic....no jp im not emo
[Current taste] mintY
[What you currently smell like] hand soap...sick minds
[Current hair] i just woke up so my hair is sticking up...kinda devil lockage
[Current thing I ought to be doing] hw.....TV!
[Current cd in stereo] ocean sounds....whatever makes me sleep at night
[Last book you read] catcher in the RYE...school
[Last movie you saw] hostel
[Last thing you ate] dinner
[Last person you talked to on the phone] christine.....temporarely...MADNESS
[Do drugs?] yea right that shiits wacK
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yea
Remember your first love?] love=no
[Still love him/her?] love=no
[Read the newspaper?] HENRYS A QUEER!
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] idk....danny is kinda tipsy turbsy
[Believe in miracles?] everyday....gues that sex with ur mom counts right?
[Do well in school?] no......dees and sees
[Wear hats] i cant not wear 1...straight with flat rim...lol RIM!
[Hate yourself?] mood.....apathetic....but no i dont my life owns
[Have an obsession?] yea like i have a foot fetish...I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM...no i dont
[Collect anything?] i used to collect baseball cards
[Have a best friend?] plenty....
[Close friends?] plenty....
[Like your handwriting?] no
[Care about looks] my hair...not looks but feeling....but yea i try to keep style...in my own way
[First crush] katherine tutujian...i admit it
[First kiss] this chick in 2nd grade cuz i drew her a picture
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no way!
[Do you believe in "the one?"] as in god....? eh sumtimes i wonder
[Are you a tease?] ask your mom she didnt seem to complain ;)
[Too shy to make the first move?] sexually....maybe...but fighting.....sometimes
[Daydreamer] yea
[Bitch/Asshole] yea......i knock on alot of ppl hu dont desserve it...its all good
[sarcastic] NOOO OF COURSE NOT
[Angel] i kill them....drain them....and feed em to henry
[Devil] i am the devil...i own hell....and ur all goin there...even u jahova witnesses!
[Shy] wen im around new ppl but then i kick it in..
[Talkative] im a listener...but i guess so
Strangest Survey Ever!!!
What's your favorite scent?: coconutz
Train, plane,boat or car?: boat
Do you have all your teeth?: yep
Are you inbred?: of course...NOT
What's your favorite scented air freshner?: coconutz
Do you clip your toenails or bite them off?: i dont need to clip them
Do you wash your butt every day?: ...pointless
Wierdest food combination you've eaten? (ie; mayo on pizza): mustard rice whipped cream and a cinnamint
Do you sniff your underwear when you take them off?: no
Pick your nose of blow it?: blow...lol BLOW!
Ever sniff your feet to see if they stink?: dont needa...a long day of skating tells me i needa wash em
Have you ever spit in someones food?: yea
Wet fart?: GROSS!!shutup.....just.....shutup
If so, was it in public?: ^^^^
Laughed so hard you peed yourself?: no
Laughed so hard snot came out your nose?: not snot...milk and coke...coke burns
Ever put pee in someone's drink?: ew no
Ever commit a crime?: yea
If so, was it a felony or a misdemeanor?: explain the differance u son bitch lawers
Ever go to school high? Drunk?: dont do eether
Ever put sugar in someone's gas tank?: not yet
Ever thought about committing murder?: not seriously
Have any enemies?: prolly
Do you hate someone? Do they know it?: eh
Ever shit in public?: nope
Do you believe in ghosts?: yep
Was Elvis abducted by aliens?: well his clothes eether mean aliens or some other kind of probe went up his ass
Were you abducted by aliens?!: yea
Do you hear voices?: spanish ones...that really need to get some jobs i may add
Do you argue with them?: yea...bout stealing sugar free or trident sugar crystalized gum
Ever play light as a feather and believe it?: i never got that freakish game
Have you ever put a mouse in a microwave?: my cat...does that count?
Ever put something metal in the microwave?: ya
Flown a kite in a thunderstorm?: can never get those cheap peeces of sh*t up in the air
Ever shot a gun?: yea
Cussed out a teacher?: YEA....3 detentions l8er...it was well worth it
Been to court? Were you the defendant?: no
Would you run over someone you hated if you had the chance?: no
Written a suicide note?: no
Do you talk to yourself?: sometimes....but wen ppl are around so i guess it doesnt count
Do you have any mental issues?: well ur a bitch so...ur mental and an issue to me...so i guess so
Materialistic?: only wen my room is like...full of crap i dont need
Do you practice common sense regularly?: wen ever i have enuff time.....wich is never...EVER
Who should be president?: chuck norris or jeaneane goroffolo...NOT
Ever made fun of a retarded person?: yes...only cause they mocked me!!!im not THAT mean
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

My Interests

I like music,girls,skateboardingsoda,graffiti, fuckin with ppls heads, makin people laugh, destroying other peoples property and w.e. else...come chill with us and find out wut we do

I'd like to meet:

mike valelly...GWAR!!!...tony hawk...rodney mullen...and ANY!!!-- local graffiti artists...thats right, i do it


OMFG!!!! where do i begin...gwar, fenix tx, the all american rejects, jedi mind tricks, gorillaz, green day, avenged sevenfold, fallout boy, papa roach, sublime, iron maiden, pink floyd, guns and roses, the bloodhound gang, red hot chille peppers, the pinstripes, the overdogs, los kung fu monkeys, jurrasic ska bandits, robolint, ozzy osbourne, metallica, queens of the stone age, franz ferdinand, less than jake,alkaline trio, rancid, The buzzcocks, Everytime I die, the ramones, dropkick murphys,atreyu, weezer, the misfits, rob zombie, CKY, HIM!, nirvana, system of a down, linkin park, the blue eyed devils, waltham, my chemical romance, yellowcard, good charlotte, fountains of wayne, clutch, 69 eyes, turbonegro, rise against, the guru, senses fail, blink 182, simple plan, AFI, mest, the hives, the offsring, dashboard confessional, the distillers, disturbed, black flag, operatic, opertaion ivy, electromagnetic mc, the specials, unwritten law, brand new, the bravery,the bled, the network, mxpx, something cooperate, sex pistols, boxcar racer, bowling for soup, the casualties, dead kennedys, hawk nelson, new found glory, sugarcult, taking back sunday, the ataris,the kinks,janes addictiction, the used, the skatalites, goldfinger, the voodoo glowskulls, punk covers, ska p, the planet smashers, the rolling stones, acdc, led zepplin, def leapord, DJ ROF, a deadmans theory, nickelback, AEROSMITH!!, audioslave, bon jovi, breaking benjamins, coldplay, modest mouse, hawthorne heights, jimmy hendrix, korn, relient K, P.O.D., puddle of mudd, radiohead, socail distortion, trapt, taproot, hot action cop, the killers, van halen, seether, rise against the machines, gnarkill, millencollin, penny wise, three days grace, alien ant farm, black label society, chevelle, creed, deep purple, finger 11, godsmack, hoobastank, nine inch nails, leftover crack, stained, head automatica, velvet revolver, the marz volta, gatsbys american dream, stone temple pilots, the beastie boys, black sabbath, santana, the doors, U2, meatloaf,nada surf, boston, lynard skinard, a day at the fair, against me, allister, amber pacific, anti-flag, armor for sleep, ass ponys, atreyu, bad manners, bad religion, bayside, billy talent, the black eyed peas, block party, blondie, breaking point, ceasars palace, the ceasars,third eye blind, three doors down, the spin doctors, cheap sex, circle jerks, the clash, common rider, coyote shivers, the strokes, the streets, cradle of filth, daft punk, del the funky homosapien, discocks, d12, english beat, DMX, enslaved, finch, foreign objects, garbage, germs, WuTaNg, ghostface killa, jazze pha, driven pheonix rise, the yellow manifest ,guttermouth, incubus, interpol, nofx, jimmy eat world, jurassic 5, kmfdm, kanye west, KRS 0ne, kool keith, lagwagon, lamb of god, kaiser cheifs, MC chris, murder by death, NERD, NWA, obie trice, ok go, outkast, oxymoron, the pretenders, reagen youth, rubber city rebels, saliva,Fu manch, semisonic, skape, slayer, slipknot, slightly stoopid, sonic youth, spitalfield, streetlight manifesto, stutterfly, tenatious D, ville vallo, the addicts, the coral, the descendents, the f-ups, the executioners, the futureheads, the hiss, the impossibles, the knack, the movielife, the postal service, Hepcat, Reel big fish, Morning Glory, DDR, Cypress hill, Bane, the starting line, the unseen, the transplants, The click five,Deftones, Aiden, Bayside, the vines, the white stripes, towpath, tupac. twisted sister, type O negative 5, virus nine, wahala, young MC, weird al yankovich, Shakin Baby Syndrom, bab brains, smash adams, negative insight, colin of arabia, colin and the cancer, gang green, lupe fiasco, tek9...Dig Up Her Bones by The Misfits ~~ click for a misfits music video for "DIG UP HER BONES"Join Me by H.I.M.~~ click for a H.I.M. music video for "JOIN ME"


lords of dogtown, tony hawks secret skatepark tour, the yeah right video, in bloom-transworld, forest gump, the punisher, hostel, saw, die hard 1 2 and 3, cut throat island, bomb the system, against the wall aka quality of life, turk 182, fuk graff 1 + 2, write and unite, the art of storytelling, terror in the burbs, style wars, grafflife 2, dirty hands 1 + 2. any good action movie too.


king of the hill, seinfield, simpsons, tripping the rift, south park, aqua teen hunger force, the brak show, malcom in the middle, viva la bam, punkd, that 70s show, pimp my ride, sealab 2021, beavis and butthead, top 10 skater anthem countdown, stankervision, wonder showzen...


f*ck books....magazines such as graff mags and skateboard mags like transworld and skateboarder magazine


jarrod;- my brother, and all my good friends that stick by me