About meMy name is christi. 19 years old from blackpool. I doss in starbucks and enjoy good company and days out. Leeds Festival! It's pretty much all i'm looking forward to this year. dancing like a twat, and attempting to bribe jimmy eat world to come play in my kitchen are my main aims. i like just sitting in the blueroom like its my living room. i like thai food with that emerald character. i enjoy dying my hair lots, and just seeing what happens, but i havn't played that game in a while. I have three black cats, so i'm not a racist. Dave Growwwwwl, Pedro and Dinx. I want to take dave with me when I move in with Holly in september, but I don't think she'll let me so we'll have to get a fish. I like having a bit f'rave every now and then... with that fallonface. Or anyone who would like to rave with me. That boy (over there) makes me very happy. I like watching jeremy kyle when I don't have work, and i think they should put him in celebrity big brother this year... sort them all out.
I like lazy mornings in bed. trips to manchester are always a laughhh. I love gigs, don't go to as many as i used too, and i kind of miss it :( Laughing until it hurts about ridiculous things, is a great passtime. So is theme hospital, which i got addicted to again last week. not a good sign. vodka and dietcoke is the usual beverage of choice for me. that or a nice cold corona. Quoting good comedy always brightens up my day. funny quotes in a text message will make me smile. this is quite long now, so i might stop. i don't like confrontation, meat and ladders.
I guarantee, emerald will log into my account and change any spelling mistakes in the above statement. fucking midget.
Dear Christi,