About Me
pipi's phone is a test,..to participate in the experiment call 206.984.8527 and leave a message,...about whatever. tell the truth, or lie. tell us a story. a secret. ramble on. scream obscenities, sing a song, eat a pear. take a bonghit. drink coffee, have sex.
we will protect your privacy and anonymity. there is no record of your call. THERE IS NO caller i.d.we want to hear from: housewives, fratguys, gutterpunks, dentists, orphans, cab drivers, hippies, the blind, hmong children, dickheads, bailiffs, angsty teens, crackheads, cat people, truckers, shutins, stoopids and the linguistically ill equipped.we want you to: give out pipi's number 206.984.8527
* join folks in NY, LA, SF, SEA, ATL, NO, Chi, PDX, LV, by putting up flyers in your cities.