Movies, Music, Books, Camping, Swimming/Boating, Computers, Cars, and stuff that I just don't expect
I'm just wanting to meet local people, make a few friends, maybe find out where the parties are at. Oh, and finding a nice, sweet girl who thinks I'm funny would be nice too. Or this guy: .. ..
Depends on my mood. Most of the time, I love Jazz, Techno, rock and roll like Tom Petty, Sublime, and a lot of classic rock, but when I'm in an energetic mood, I dig on some of the harder stuff. A lot of what I like is pretty eclectic, I'm more moved by music I've never heard the likes of than heady lyrics.
Too many to list. There are good movies in every catergory, except maybe porn. I love Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, well, pretty much anything made by Guy Ritchie, Quentin Tarantino, or Robert Rodriguez. Boondock Saints was great. Basically, I'm a fan of movies all the way around.
Monk, House, Firefly, Psych (well, the pilot anyways, we'll see about the rest), Adult Swim (mostly for sealab, robot chicken, and venture brothers), Futurama, Family Guy, and well, documentaries I guess. I'm a sucker for the history channel and discovery, as much of a nerd as I'm sure that makes me.
I like a bit of everything fiction, more so the Tom Clancy type war/ reality stuff than fantasy, though I've been known to read Robert Jordan, Morgan Lewellyn, Tolkien etc.