I am a wonderful Mother,Daughter and a Sister.I started writng poetry in the ninth grade in school. I enjoy putting my feelings down in words.I am hoping to be a published poetry writer one day when I get in contact with a great book publisher. I am a very honest and outspoken person.I enjoy listening to music and taking my son to the game arcade also going out to the water park and have a fun time with family and friends.I am on myspace to make friends with different people from around the world! Everyone enjoy your visit to my page have a blessed day.Thank You ThePoetryLady
Favorite movies A family that prey's,Eagle Eye,Wanted,Perfect Holiday.
CSI.The Mentalist.Deal or No Deal
Romance Novels
I would like to meet Monica because she puts her heart and soul into her music.I would like sit down with her and have a conversation about music,being a mother,and talk about her hairstyles and beauty secrets because she is always so beautiful.And I would really love to see her perform live in the studio
status: Single
here for: Networking, Friends
orientation: straight
Hometown: Florida
body type: 5' 7" / More to love!
Ethnicity: Black / African descent
Religion: Christian
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Smoke / Drink: No / No
children: Proud parent
Education: High school
occupation: Retail
Rest In Peace father.You are my hero I really miss you and I will always have a special place in my heart filled with love for you!
Teardrops are caused by pain
This pain is driving you insane
Your world may be filled with hurt and sorrow
You don't need to feel this pain today or tomorrow
Teardrops are caused by feelings you have inside
When you are hurting your feelings don't need to hide
Your emotions need to be expressed on the outside
It is alright to let your feelings show
From different situations we can grow
Everyone goes through changes and trials
Sometimes when you cry and release the pain you smile
Don't let anything or anyone get the best of you
Believe in yourself in everything that you do!
Copyright ©2009
Being A Fool For Love
Being a Fool for love
Over a certain boy
Doing all that you can
To turn him into a man
Giving your everything to this person
Then you did some soul searching
Thinking about will they do the same things for you?
When in reality you know that isn't true
Love makes you act crazy
But never forget that you are a special lady
Don't fall in love so deep
Because the person you fall for you might not keep!
Copyright ©2009
The Tree
The Tree
Sits alone by the sea
The tree swings in the air
Because it has no cares
The tree is so free
Sometimes I wish it was me
No worries no fears
No broken heart to turn your water into tears
Just sitting there by the ocean in the sand
Not worrying about a woman or man!
Copyright ©2009
Emotions are feelings you have
They can make you cry or laugh
Sometimes you feel happy and sad
Or maybe you become mad
Your emotions sometimes make you lose control
You feel them deep down into your soul
You feel like inside of yourself you have butterflies floating around
When you are in love and on cloud nine and don't want to come down!
Copyright ©2009
Soul Mate
Your soul mate
Is someone sent to you by faith
This person is there through thick&thin
Without them you feel like your world will come to an end
They make you laugh and they also can make you cry
And if you have a disagreement you talk it out and have another try
Compared to them there is no other
They are your best friend and lover!!
Copyright ©2009
Your Heart Needs Love
Your heart needs love
Sent from the master up above
You need someone who cares
Someone that will always be there
A special man or lady to hold and kiss
To talk to you and someone you miss
Your heart never needs to cry
I will always love you and never say goodbye
One day our heart will become one
Making love under the rising sun
Honey you deserve nothing but the best in life
Hopefully one day we will become husband and wife!
Copyright ©2009
Life is a precious gift from above
Giving to us from christ with his love
Life is sometimes hard
It sometimes reminds me of playing cards
You never know what to expect
You may recieve happiness or some regrets
Life is a wonderful thing to have
Especially when your always joyful and laugh
Life is really nice
It is something that we never get twice!
Copyright ©2009
33 years old
Boynton Beach,
Florida United
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