Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm...and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed...After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter...
Strange attractors:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::While most of the motion types mentioned above give rise to very simple attractors, such as ________and _______-like curves called limit ___________, chaotic motion gives rise to what are known as strange attractors, attractors that can have great detail and complexity.SHCORE.