DJ Lappa compra i primi vinili a metà anni 90, dove sperimenta ed inizia ad esibirsi in piccoli club estivi sulla Riviera Romagnola, esperienza che si protrae fino al 2000, anno di nascita del Qualcosina Party, del quale cura la direzione artistica ed il djset fino al 07 dicembre 2006, data dell'ultimo 'free bar' party.
Dal 2002 è dj resident presso Velvet Club & Factory (RN), un club-laboratorio creativo dove inoltre segue ambiti come web promotion, selezioni per il festival di Sotterranei, dj&live booking.
Terminata l'esperienza del Qualcosina Party oldskool, dal 2007 produce gli eventi Retropolis, serate di clubbing dedicate al pop degli ultimi due decenni (con ospiti live come Donatella Rettore, Magic Voice, Righeira, Sabrina Salerno, Datura, Samantha Fox), dove cura anche il djset della sala principale.
Nell'estate 2008 è stato dj resident ai party in piscina ogni mercoledì c/o Buenaonda, lungomare di Rimini.
Sabato 23 agosto 2008 è stato opening act sotto il moniker "Velvet Crew DJset" all'MTV Sunset 'never leave the beach' presso Bikini / Malindi a Cattolica (RN).
Guest dj presso: Bronson, Rock Planet, Officina49, Vidia, Rock Beach Festival 2007 / Beky Bay, Baia Imperiale, Frequenze Disturbate Festival.
Guest DJ con Boosta, Max Casacci, Max Brigante, Vitalic (live).
DJ negli aftershow delle principali bands del pop-rock contemporaneo come Editors, Wombats, Kaiser Chiefs, Babyshambles, Asian Dub Foundation, dEUS, Gogol Bordello e di bands italiane come Subsonica, Afterhours, Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters, Verdena, Caparezza, Sud Sound System tra gli altri.
I'm Gianluca Nicoletti, born on April_09_1980 in Cesena (FC).
You can find some photos (most of them are stupid!) of me (& some fuckin' friends :P) here in my profile.
I started havin' fun in Nightlife event productions with the mighty QUALCOSINA first PARTY (April_12_2000). I hope you know most of its story until the QUALCOSINA (probably the last free bar) PARTY on December_07_2006. (if not, more infos by clicking here ; sorry, we've not written a complete biography yet -_-).
After QUALCOSINA PARTY Staff comes (Qualcosina)², with a more artistic soul (when possible!). Our best events are HALLOWEEN pARTy NIGHT, the mighty CARNIVAL PARTY (this year we celebrated the 6th edition!) plus RETROPOLIS: ANNI 80! (so funny!) & RETROPOLIS: ANNI 90! (our childhood).
In 2008 we produced our first FOCHERACCIA @Casa Pomposa (it rained, crazy!) :)
We also produce the mighty TROMBONAVE since 1999 (we don't know the right date, sorry!). A crazy, sexy and secret party across the sea!
Since 2002 I also work @Velvet Club & Factory (Rimini) ( official site , myspace page ), as press&promo-office, Sotterranei selections, live & dj booking-office & as a resident DJ in R.E.M. Room with Thom.
While these things were happening (on October_2002) I got the degree in Computer Science Engineering at Università di Bologna, and then also the degree in Information and Communication Technologies Engineering (on March_2007). The thesis' subject was "Diritto d'autore ed opere musicali in rete. L'esperienza di Velvet Factory".
After 7 years studying in the college of engineering, I think it's an insane path of technologies and nerd mixed together; but I think it was basically helpful to me. I learned a lot of things I usually work with.
On July 2008 we (me with Gas & other friends) did the BUENAONDA adventure, a cool place on the seaside with swimming pool, djset, happy 'Mojito' hour, live bands & many improvisations! Thanks to Stereo:fonica for believing in this project!
On August_23_2008 I opened the MTV Sunset 'never leave the beach' @Malindi/Bikini, Cattolica (RN) under the moniker Velvet Crew DJset.
From October_10_2008 to Februar_24_2009 we loved to "aperitivare" @CANTINA 400 every Wednesday, a cool place in Rimini downtown.
On November_07_2008 I produced the 1° FACEBOOK Party in RIMINI, you can take a look at the video, the photos & the reviews by clicking
here !
On May, 22nd 2009 we'll DO THE QUALCOSINA again! ^__^
Aries with Gemini as rising sign.