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"About Me..."
I let people know how I feel, I'm not good at hiding my feelings at all. I'm a really open person, I'll answer anything. I find it really ridiculous when someone can hate another person for absolutely no good reason, if you hate me at least be legit about it.
I once used the word "epic", but never again. I'm not really amazing at anything but painting nails. I want to be a race car driver. I dislike it when people are grammatically incorrect.
I used to be really shy, then I got high, now, not so much.
I'm "intuitive" not judgemental. I always fall for the wrong boy, but I get over people really fast.
I have a really dirty mouth. I like meeting new peeps. I'm going to named my kid Lexington, laugh at me.
I'm failing life, at least academically, but I'm not stupid. I'm really sarcastic.
I love singing along to weird songs that I don't really know the words to.
I still listen to Britney Spears. My myspace song usually is how I feel at the moment.
I feel like I'm ruining my best friendships with the most amazing people ever, but somehow I can't bring myself to make an effort to stay close with them.
I'm a bitch when I really don't mean to be. 3 is my favorite number.
I laugh at my own jokes. I rarely take myself seriously.
I love music,(who doesn't?). I go through phases of music, but I'll listen to almost anything.
I'm an "Uhhh Ohhh Oreo". I love zebras. I'm also allergic to dairy products, and I'm NOT lying...k thanks
My SN is SoSleezyyy1904. TaLKkk To Meee PLeaSe =) Talkk

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♥ No One Can Make Me Laugh Like These Peeps ♥
MELISSA-I've put this girl through so much and she's always been there for me. I'm so lucky to have her as one of my best friends. I'm so happy we've stayed friends outside of Ho Fam. =] I love you so much!
KEVIN-This boy is the best guy friend a girl could ask for. He is always there to listen to my problems and help me through it. He makes me feel like my problems are small and that shit happens. He helps me realize that forgiveness is key. He is definitely the wisest almost 16 year old EVER!
LAURA-We've know each other since preschool, and been best friends ever since. Our friendship has been a little rough at times, but that only makes it stronger. I will always care for you like a little sister and love you.
CARMEN- I've only known her for this school year, but I'm so happy we met. She's someone I can see everyday and not ever get sick of her. You've introduced me to so many AMAZING things and I love you for that! ;)
ROXANNE- We've known each other forever but we've just started getting closer. I'm so lucky to have her as my "big sister". She always has to deal with my friends and all of their crazy shinnanagins. She is someone who actually understands the craziness of the Persians. I LOVE you with a passion!
SISTA- I hardly ever see her anymore but when I do, she always cracks me up.
& my G-ma.