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About Me

Hi, Hello!

How is it going?
Well, first I have to admit: I cant stand to introduce myself.
What shall I tell about myself? Am I really that interesting?
Nope, for sure not.

Actually Im just a pretty shy girl, I only open up when I feel secure and comfortable around people.
And then they soon realise that Im pretty ironic and nuts. xD

Im officially addicted to music. its a real big part of my life and I just couldnt imagine my life without music.
and I dont wanna live without it.
of course I also enjoy live shows very much, hence me and a friend try to go to a concert at least once a month.

so, okay. I think that enough for now. cos, lets be realistic, if this get too long noone will read it anyway, right?
so feel free to add me, but talk to me and dont just spam me with bulletins, cos that makes me nuts.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Give It A Name - Taking Back Sunday

It's been a while since I posted Im sorry, but I've been too lazy. but then: I've seen Taking Back Sunday last week and I can't not tell you about it! It was amazing. really. I've seen them the very f...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 13:26:00 GMT

Kill Hannah & My Passion, Vienna 2008-10-19

When I saw Kill Hannah supporting Aiden last April, I knew that I wanted so see them live again.And last Saturday it was about the time. They played in the same location than back in April and were ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:51:00 GMT

the Blackout: sleep all day, pary all night

The Blackout & Attack! Attack!Vienna, Chelsea2008-09-17you think when you see a band for the 4th time it gets old? ha, not when it comes to the Blackout. I guess I could see them another 15 times ...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 01:22:00 GMT

Project Revolution, baby

Munich: Projekt Revolution @ Reitstadion RiemPeople: 2359897 (rough guess by me *lol*)Me and my friend: two of them Was it worth getting up early, driving 3 and a half hours and enduring the he...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 12:51:00 GMT

Angels (player-in-random survey)

Okay, yes. Ive posted this as a bulletin already but it was pretty much fun and some of the answers are hilarious, so I just decided to post it here as well. Put your music on shuffleanswer the questi...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:43:00 GMT

We Will Rock You - the musical

We will rock you! So yeah, today it was finally about the time. Already on our holiday in London me and a friend said how much we wanted to see We will rock you", but we didnt get the time.You can ...
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 11:50:00 GMT