About Me
Provoke was founded in December of 1996 in the Quad Cities IA/IL, with the sole purpose ofgrowth and helping create a scene of unity. John Music-Vocals, Randy Carpenter-Drums, AnthonyMcKinney- Guitar/Backing Vocals, Bill Lear-Bass, together were striving to make music thatmixes hardcore and metal. With the split of Bill Lear, Jeff Plans joined on bass in 1999 aswell as Bobby Valeu to join on as second guitarist and backing vocals in 2002, this was to bethe best and tightest lineup ever. Using all their influences they produced songs that spokeof the harsh reality of everyday life, abuse, violence, and offered a positive approach todealing with these problems using strength through intelligence, the importance of ourrelations with our family and friends, respect, trust and keeping your head up when at times,in a dying world, seems impossible. Provoke released two demos as well as three full lengthalbums: "Provoke ’97", “Truth†in 1998 and "No Way Out" in 2001, and in ’02 Provoke wouldrelease there final EP “Turned to hate†which expressed the band as well as personalexperiences. With a responsibility to the ever growing people, willing to give them a chance,Provoke had set a standard--always striving to grow and improve and offering a great deal in acity that did not offer much for musicians. After 7 years Provoke would play their last showever May 31st 2003 and put on a Quad City hardcore fest to pay appreciation to the fansfriends and bands they’ve had the great opportunity to meet. Together, Provoke will alwaysbelieve that it’s not who or what you are, it’s about the music made, the scene lived in, andthe truth portrayed. Provoke RIP 96-03.
Here are some of the bands PROVOKE has played with...
Above This World, Alone, Anodyne, Apex Theory, Arch Enemy, A-18, Bane, Battery, Buckcherry,Clenched Fist, Clutch, Coal Chamber, Coalesce, Cold As Life, Cinderella, Crowbar, Deaden, DeadOrchestra, Dead To Fall, Diecast, DRI, Dumpster Juice, Dysphoria, Earshot, Esoteric, Esteem,E-Town Concrete, Figure Four, Five Point O, Flotsam And Jetsam, God Forbid, Great White,Hatebreed, Hateplow, Hate Theory, Holding On, Hoods, ICU, In Control, Injected, KidneyThieves, Kill Your Idols, Kittie, LA Guns, Lollypop Lustkill, Lungbrush, Meatjack, Medication,Misery Signals, Misura, Modern Life Is War, Mona Lisa, Monster Magnet, Most Precious Blood,Nerve Agents, New Society Of Anarchists, N-Cyde, No Redeeming Social Value, Not Waving ButDrowning, NYC, Oleander, Perserverance, Poison The Well, Primer 55, Problem Solver Revolver,Professional Murder Music, Propain, Punishment, Rearview Mirror, Ring True, Saliva, Saved ByGrace, S.E.E.D., Sevendust, Shattered Realm, Skinlab, S.O.D., Soil, Speak No Evil, Step Kings,Suicidal Tendencies, Suicide Note, Switched, Sworn Enemy, Synnecrosis, System Failure, TaxiWar Dance, Terror, The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, The Eight Bucks Experiment, The Pimps,The Takeover, Thursday, Uphold, Vex Red, Walls Of Jericho, What Feeds The Fire, Wings OfScarlet, 18 Visions, 40 Grit.
Provoke played their last show in May of 03. Since, members have moved to various parts of thecountry and started new bands.
John Music (Detroit) - xTYRANTx , WRECKLESS
Randy Carpenter (Seattle) - I declare War
Rob VaLeu (Denver) -
The Everyday Fight
Tony McKinney (Quad Cities) - PhoridFly Studios
Bill Lear (Quad Cities) - Pusser , ZED
Jeff Plans (Quad Cities)