Priority changes on an hourly basis: My future wellness and happiness- Mercedes y CHeo- Money$Money$Money- health, fitness and nutrition -Splenda, seudo-Yoga and Existentialism -Godiva Chocolate & Publix Sushi -Paco the Red PT Cruiser -producing art, hopefully decent art -Roman Catholic and Santeria theology --girl stuff (shoes, fragrances, purses, and the like)---and just having a good time amidst precarious circumstances.-.
I lack passion here, Im lazy and conformist on this subject. I like certain songs, without regards for genre, artist, or whatever. And my taste fallows no particular pattern. I'll listen to whatever, whether I like or not
Coming from Cuba para nunca jamas volver a ver el Festival de Cine Latinoamericano; and the kind of films you see there, was like falling from the Heavens to the mounts of Hell. It hurt like a bitch, and I dont think Im over it yet. Movies are a sore subject, please dont get me started. Im already in pain and I havent said anything yet.
I do this in a deep state of numbness... I barely remember seeing crap along the lines of Sex and the City, Mythbusters, Barefoot Contessa. Family Guy, Inuyasha, Ful Metal Alchemist, Future Weapons, Will And Grace, Grey's Anatomy, House, Hooked: Illegal Drugs and how they got that way, and Doomsday 2012: The End of Days. I would be lying if I said I hated it, or I like it.
I read lot, since I can remember. I was one of those kids that would know a book by heart and would fake reading it. THis is at AGE 4! I have gone through the classics. From Verne, London, and Agatha Christie in elementary and middle school to Poe, Lovecraft, Kafka, Dostoevsky, and a short lived but torrid affair with Latin-Americans like Cortazar, Pineira and Borges in boarding school. To the serious stuff that no one in their right mind reads unless is mandatory. I fell really hard for the classics and took me half a decade to get over them. Now, Im strictly non-fiction: biographies from painters, writers, and other misfits and outsiders. Lately lots of existentialist philosophy And then my diary, because nothing compares to the sickness that clings to my guts when I read myself years past.
All of those who have fallen victims of their own existence, and among them: Mercedes Valdes, Jose Luis Pedraza, Maria Luisa Marti Montero, Juana Aurora Roque Torres, Florencio Vicente Pedraza Aleman, Francisco Valdes Poey, Maria Isabel Fermina Torres Ramos, and outside of my family Soren Kierkegaard, Queen Elizabeth, Nefertiti, Caligula, Jose Marti, La MAga, Jose Lezama Lima, Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Wilfredo Lam, and my bebe Francisco Vicente aka. Paco the Red PT Cruiser