Young Warriors is Tia Chuchas Centro Cultural youth program created for youth by youth to help heal the wounds of life that effect youth today. Young Warriors works hand in hand with youth to give them the knowledge and opportunities needs to help express themselves and their passions through culture, social consciousness, and the arts. Young Warriors goal is to show love, care and attention youth lack by creating a sense of community and belonging. Being a program built by youth gives youth comfort and willingness to interact with other youth because they can relate on the same level. Young Warriors is committed to teach youth the path of life by teaching them how to make their own choices in life as well as referring them to other organizations and/or programs to continue with their passions. Young Warriors understands the importance of youth leading their own life’s because youth are the future.YOUNG WARRIORS WAS FOUNDED BY A YOUNG LADY BY THE NAMES OF MAYRA ZARAGOZA YOUNG WARRIORS GOALS ARE TO BECOME A YOUTH CENTER UNLIKE NO OTHER, A YOUTH CENTER FOR YOUTH BY YOUTH THAT IS OPEN 24/7 TO BE ABLE TO OFFER ENDLESS CARE AND SUPPORT FOR ALL YOUTH OUT THERE. WE PLAN TO DO THIS BY OFFERING A SPACE TO YOUTH WERE THEY ARE ABLE TO EXPRESS THEIR PASSOINS TO THE FULL EXTENT. WHETHER IT BE GRAFFITI, MUSIC, ART, TATOOING, DRAWING, POETRY, JOURNALISM, PHOTOGRAPHY, ECT. AND AT THE SAME TIME EDUCATEING THEM ABOUT THIER CULTURE AND CREATING A CONSCIOUS MIND ABOUT THEIR FUTUER.