[MISS] JOLANAAA ™ profile picture



About Me

soo the names JOLANA im 16 currently employed..working at UNITED AUTO INSURNACE 100% czechhhh go to west leyden imma laid back kinda girl i love to go out andf have fun i love all my friends and my bf i love to try new things im very outgoing i can be a bitch but im ususally nice i hookah i drink i have fun im young and stupid and do what i want i love meeting new ppl i love to shop and i snowboard i love cars. i absolutley love to text!! yes i drive i love make up and tanninggg im addicted to vitamin water and coffee im kinda ruff around the edges but once you know you'll get used to it lol im very outspoken and opionated im adventerious i am who i am and no one can change me and i dont try to be some one or something im not. i hate liars cheaters fakers backstabbers like really get a life and be yourself.i love and hate drama even though its everwhere. im just young, stupid, crazy, in love love, living my life to the fullest. ♥

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

5-28-07 and still going =].so this is dmytro. hes my baby, my dork, my lame, basically my other half and my everything. i love waking up every morning knowing someone loves me and is thinking about. and someone who i can look forward to talking to and seeing each day. we've been togther for a while and our relationship has been a journey. all the ups and downs and fights and break ups and make ups its been rough, but we managed to get through it. were always here for eachother no matter wat he situation is. when im with him i cant stop smiling and lauhing, he makes me so happy and i know i can be my self around him. he always makes me laugh even when im mad at him. i love him so much and dont even kno where i'd be if i wasnt with him. i can tell him and talk to him about everything. he's the guy i kno ill be with for a long time. we always have fun no matter wat were doing were big dorks and can act totallly like ourselves around each other. most people always have something to say but really we dont care. talk all the shit you want cuz we know their just jealous =]lol and our love is not the kind where you've been with someone for a week and say i love you..no, ours is real and we mean it we have what everyone wants. and really were 2 kids in love and nothing or no one will stop us or get in our way. I LOVE YOU BABYYY.


Just because somebody flirts with you; doesnt mean they like you. Just because somebody likes you; doesn't mean they want to go out with you. Just because somebody wants to go out with you; doesn't mean they love you. Just because somebody loves you; doesn't mean they won't hurt you. Because people lie, things change, boyfriends cheat, best friends ditch, and there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.



My Blog

she deserves it

This is for the girls who know they arent perfect& Neither are the guys that they are interested in. This is for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, wispe...
Posted by [MISS] JOLANAAA ™ on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:34:00 PST

heres to us girls

Here's to all those girls who used to be his number one. The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed. The ones who made it through t...
Posted by [MISS] JOLANAAA ™ on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:59:00 PST