Im not the only one against it.
I am one of the majority.
Reach out and touch faith.
I can be the sweetest kid.
But if you really piss me off, i can be the biggest asshole.
If you want to get to know me, i dont ask for much.
Please, lets get to know eachother if:
You comment every once in a while.
You comment pictures back if I comment yours.
You are generally a good and nice person.
Please, don't add me if:
YoU TyPe LiKe tHiS
You dont speak the slightest bit of english.
You are a huge poser that listens to simple plan and tries to act hardcore.
You think you're hardcore just because you wear bandanas across you're head and wear you're bangs in your face**thank you YaYa for making that point**.
If you bring up either myself or my friends as a negative.
You insult the bands I have added and have as a friend.
You call people a racist often.
You go on about your cheating boyfriend.
You say music is your life when you dont have one.
You decide to talk shit about my relationships and the people I date...and my friends.
You message me saying Guh yOu fYyYNe.
You dont care about what i and other people have to say.
You are a stuck up bitch who thinks the world revolves around you.
If you have gotten this far, comment me, i would be glad to talk to you.:]
xHey bebeh, got any cavities?x