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I am here for Friends

About Me

When I wake up early in the morning, Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream Stay in bed, float up streamPlease don't wake me, no don't shake me Leave me where I am I'm only sleepingEverybody seems to think I'm lazy I don't mind, I think they're crazy Running everywhere at such a speed Till they find, there's no needPlease don't spoil my day I'm miles away And after all I'm only sleepingKeeping an eye on the world going by my window Taking my timeLying there and staring at the ceiling Waiting for a sleepy feelingPlease don't spoil my day I'm miles away And after all I'm only sleepingKeeping an eye on the world going by my window Taking my timeWhen I wake up early in the morning, Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream Stay in bed, float up streamPlease don't wake me, no don't shake me Leave me where I am I'm only sleeping

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My Interests

ballet (it is my job,) spending time with my buddies, my adorable maine coon, cooking, eating, shopping, custom framing, knitting...i never said my interests would be interesting.

I'd like to meet:

You are Veronika Part! Congratulations! You're a rising star. We haven't
seen you in much but what we've seen has left
us wanting more...and you have great feet.

Which female dancer from the American Ballet Theatre are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


my musical collection is dominated by elliott smith. you may not recognize the name at first, but his music is featured in films including good will hunting, american beauty, and the royal tenenbaums. i can't really stand any other person or group that attempts to duplicate his style, so, for variety, i also listen to bjork, alice in chains, no doubt, wilco, and coldplay. generally, i have my radios tuned to classic rock stations because they remind me of my dad.


i'm not much of a moviegoer. my favorite movie is E.T. anything with will ferrell in it is incredible.


to be honest, i'll watch pretty much anything on tv. sex and the city, anything mtv or hgtv.


books i own include dracula, the complete works of lewis carroll, teaching classical ballet (written by a former teacher,) and a bunch of random cooking, knitting, and ballet books.


anyone who overcomes a grandmother, my parents, mrs. white, maya plisetskaya, and anyone who doesn't think that pirouettes are the foundation of ballet but can still do six easily.