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glitter-graphics.comMost people care about the environment but feel relatively powerless in the face of the large industries which are the main cause of most of our environmental problems. Maybe it's not to late to save our planet!_____________________________________________________ Recycling-Reuse-Reduce!
_____________________________________________________ Heating and cooling.......This is a top home energy user, with the average household producing about four tons of heat-trapping pollution a year. It is heavily influenced by weather. For example, a relatively cold 1996 led to an increase in heat-trapping emissions compared to the previous year. But the next year, a warmer winter helped emissions dip bit. Warmer summers increase greenhouse gas pollution, too, from heavy air conditioning use.Even as the weather varies, your choices can help spew less global warming pollution.In summer, keep shades drawn to keep the cool in. In winter, open shades to let the sunlight to help warm rooms. In winter, keep your thermostat cooler at night or when the house is empty. Install a programmable thermostat to heat and cool rooms only when necessary. Plant trees around your house to cut cooling costs in summer. Insulate your walls and ceilings. Install a light-colored or reflective roof._ Appliances After heating, refrigerators and freezers are generally the home's next two big energy eaters. Other appliances follow closely. Together, these items account for nearly eight tons of heat-trapping emissions per household per year.Upgrade to Energy Star products. Not all appliances are equal. Whether you're in the market for a new fridge, toaster or air conditioner, look for Energy Star choices, which offer the best energy savings.Size counts. When in the market for an appliance, make sure you buy what suits your needs. Items too large or too small waste electricity and your money.Unplug. Your electric meter is often adding up kilowatt hours when you don’t think you’re using an appliance. Unplug toasters and cell phone and other chargers when they’re not in use. Don't use air fresheners that have to be plugged in.Use power strips. Cable boxes and video game boxes, and to a lesser extent TVs and VCRs, use almost as much energy when they're off as when they're on. Make it easy to turn them all the way off—plug them into a power strip and turn off the whole strip._ Lighting Lighting accounts for about 21 percent of commercial energy consumption and about 12 percent of home energy consumption. In terms of heat-trapping pollution, that means the lights in the average household produce just over a ton of carbon dioxide each year. Here are a few steps to lower those numbers.Use energy-efficient lights. Changing just one 75-watt bulb to a compact fluorescent light cuts roughly 1,300 pounds of global warming pollution. They also last up to 15 times as long and save you money. (Learn how to pick the best bulbs.)Turn off lights. A good chunk of lighting expenses is from rooms that stay unnecessarily lit.Use natural light. Open shades and use sunlight to help light rooms.Install motion-sensors so that lights automatically turn on when someone is in the room and turn off when empty.Other energy efficient choices for your home Use the energy saver cycle on your dishwasher and only run it when full. Wash clothes in warm or cold water, not hot. Turn down your water heater to 120°Fahrenheit. Clean or replace the air filter on your air conditioner. Install low-flow shower heads to use less hot water. Caulk and weatherstrip around doors and windows. Ask your utility company for a free home energy audit

The Greenpeace ship Esperanza spent two and a half months this summer investigating conditions in the Bering Sea, and here’s what we found: Factory fishing trawlers are taking too many fish out of the Bering, fundamentally changing the ecosystem and leaving wildlife in the area with nothing to eat.
We’ve created an addictive little video game for you to have some fun with while getting a sense of the dangers lurking in the Bering first hand.
Play The Game! And share it with your friends, too (there’s a take action link when the game is over)!
Lauren & Erik
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please read all my space page! i made it for you to see want we have donne to this planet!!! an want WE cann do NOw!!!together!!!for anything plz send my a comment or a message...    &n...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 18:14:00 GMT


SOME INFORMATION-LEARN MORE!! INTO:Please do something for HER.. you can do anything(for examble:recycling)..SHE...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:55:00 GMT