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Here we go!! A new year, the same me! There is no doubt that I have made some serious decisions, and I have grown into my own. It’s a little scary, having full responsibility of my life now, but I would not change that for the world. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and without him I could and would not be the person I am today. I have surely stumbled and fallen along my Christian journey. I am in eternal debt to my God, for his mercies are that everlasting and great! I am currently out of school. I am planning to return in a blink of an eye. I took this semester off to figure out why I was in college and whether my major was what my heart wanted and what God planned for me. I made too many decisions based on what people told me I “was†my “fit.†I am now a lot more confident and happy in my own God given mind and skin. I am super excited about what the future brings. Thank you for saving me Jesus! Thank you Dad for being an amazing example, I still see your face and hear your bold voice every time I face a difficult problem. Thank you for your love, dedication and inspiration. My immediate family, thank you for your support and care, we are gonna be a o.k! Sonja. Thank you for your strength, love and boldness. Elder Scott, thank you for listening, it means so much. GC I miss yawl, thank you for so many memories. Sigma Alpha Pi, we are far from over!!! Em3rge, keep in touch you all know you are family. Josh, my spiritual big brother. Thank you for being my voice of reason on cloudy days. J'ionnah Alecia, my hero, your motivation and love touched every fiber of my being. Your ministry was amazingly incredible 2 me! I promise you I will be the me I am destined to be! Thank you for being an angel and letting God use you to revive the dreamer in me! Someday we will meet again! I love you bunches!! Loch Lynn thank you for showing me what happens when you get desperate for God. Gethsemane, we are going to do great things through God! Live life and trust God to save that Peter in you, when life's storms throw vicious waves, you CAN AND WILL MAKE IT, JUST BELIEVE!!! May God Bless you all!! Let’s Rock!!!!!
Cameron J
Psalm 139:23-24
23Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!