There are soo many things in life I will never understand. There are too many places on earth I will never see. So...What will happen when it all ends and what will I be remembered for? I have always been facinated by music and it's effect on people. Taking piano lessions as a young boy, I soon realized that reading music was as foreign to me as trying to speak a different language and so like my father, I began to "play by ear". Memorizing Fur Elise at age 10 was my first real achievement and I realized then that I wanted to and could do more. My first keyboard opened my eyes to the possibilities of making my own music, though back then keyboards were much more primative than they are now. A few generic drum beats, some cheesy computer sounding synths and something that was supposed to sound like a piano was all I had. Once I was old enough and smart enough to understand and appreciate the full concept of computers and electronic music, I knew that I had found what I had been longing for. When I had enough money, I bought my first computer, midi controller keyboard, a korg sound module and a sampler. At the time, I had no clue just how to make it all work together, but knew that when I figured it all out the possibilities were endless. Everything was all soo new to me, but it didn't take long to teach myself and before I knew it, I had a computer library of my own songs. Back then, my friends and my family were my only real audience and for a long time I wondered if I could ever make music that everyone would want to listen to. I needed a new challenge. About 2 years ago I was asked to score an indepependant film and soon realized that I had found my passion. Though it was something I had never tried before, I knew that is was something I could be good at. Since most independant films have a limited budget, the fact that all my music is created in my home studio saves the cost of hiring a small orchestra or a group of musicians and a recording studio. I don't have a "style" that I stick to. I don't only focus on one kind of music. Anything and Everything goes.....My inspirations come from everywhere, from listening to hollywood film scores, to watching a movie, or just my everyday activities. When I am not scoring Independant films, I try to challenge myself to create new sounds and feelings through my music..... Everyday is a new experience and I can't wait to see what the future will hold.....I hope you enjoy what you hear
Independant films I've scored:
"The Shadow Asset"
By Director Wes Young
"Price of Vengeance"
By Director Wes Young
By Director Ilea Matthews
"Dead Exit"
By Directors Wes Young and Ryan Goff
The Shadow Asset - Teaser Trailer
Myspace Layouts at / Dark Nature