Yes We Can
Michelle Obama
Oprah After The Show, Unlocking The Secret 02/16/07
I would like to meet Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sue who lives in North Carolina, Spice Girl and Kalico Jones both of whom are fine citizens of New York's, Prototype and her Indiana based family, Heather and her Indiana based family, Christina in Texas, Tiffany from Oakloma, Camilly from Tenneesee, Sean Paul of Jamaica, Joel Olsteen and Bill Gates.
I want to meet Barack to find out how he overcame the fear and the negative advice of other people telling him not to run for president and all the obstacles that stood in his way in getting to where he is in his life today.
I would like to meet Oprah because I want to know why she is unable to find more ways to reach out to people, who need a lift in their lives!
I want to meet Bill Gates, to find out what is his feeling about the reasons why the widening prosperity gap is occurring!
I also want to meet all the interesting myspacers who have something fundamental to say! If they say something positive or something helpful or if they would like to hear my own story which continues to change daily, to experience some of my own pain, failures and successes too.