MY DREAM PROJECT "GOD IS ONLY ONE" NEED YOU TO BE WITH METhis was dream project to write a poem based on the teachings of Islam and Quraan. It took me at least 10 years to start this pious project. Before starting the project I have studied books of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Quraan is a model and ideal holy book of my life, similarly Bhagwad Geeta has also put impression on mind.For your kind information the poem which I am going to write is not a replica or transformation or poetic presentation of Holy Quraan but this is based on the teachings of Quraan and Islam according to that GOD IS ONLY ONE, and as first chapter Alhamdo-lillah clearly indicates that God or Allah is only can be praised and worshiped. To keep human being on straight path it is must to follow straight and one path that is to follow ONE GOD.Generation of modern era do not have that much time to study religion, follow and understand it. They are bend toward music too much, they enjoy and learn many things through music and songs. Deriving this approach of modern generation I have undertaken the project of writing a 500 Stanza song comprising teachings of Quraan and Islam in very simple and understanding mode. This will give maximum basic knowledge to modern generation and will drag them toward following the religion voluntarily, devotedly and dedicatedly.Primarily I have chosen Urdu mixed simple Hindi language for this project, which will be later on translated in English too. Since many of you are concerned with music and song, I would like to have your co-operation to accomplish this important task. I earnestly request you to stand with me to complete this task to bring humanity on one platform of Allah, God or Ishwar.I REQUEST TO EXTEND ALL SUPPORT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS HISTORICAL AND IMPORTANT TASK. WORK ON THE PROJECT IS ALREADY STARTED.