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----WEATHER----BRUIXETES----Created with mySpace Profile EditorReconocido por la Fédération Cynologique Internationale con el núm. 8/86En 1986 empezamos a andar un nuevo camino en compañía de estos grandes amigos que son los Boyeros de Berna. A lo largo de este camino han llegado a nuestra casa diferentes compañeros con distintas peculiaridades. Todos han tenido una característica en común: Ofrecer siempre lo mejor de ellos mismos, lo mejor que pueden dar. Y nosotros, con la increíble fortuna de poder recibirlo... Su sola presencia ya proporciona alegría y amistad además de deleitar con su impresionante belleza. Así nos van llenando de satisfacciones a través de tantas cualidades como su bondad y simpatía; estando siempre a nuestro lado, incondicionalmente, percibiendo nuestros estados de ánimo y compartiéndolos con nosotros. Conceden constantemente esos grandes valores: apego, cariño, afecto, lealtad y una larga lista de más virtudes que hacen de ellos unos compañeros verdaderamente especiales.Nuestros BB viven en familia rodeados de muchísimo cariño. Disfrutando también de buen ambiente en una zona boscosa en plena naturaleza.En cuanto a su genética, llevan en su sangre varias dinastías de campeones europeos y mundiales, linajes de los más prestigiosos actualmente y de la antigüedad.De nuestra casa han salido ya varios campeones de los que, como no, estamos bien orgullosos, de la misma manera que lo estamos de aquellos que no fueron a competir sino a alguna casa para alegrar la vida de una familia.Avanzamos en nuestra ilusión y entusiasmo disfrutando de la compañía de estos estupendos amigos Boyeros de Berna y siempre con el objetivo de mantener la pureza de la raza de acuerdo con el Standard oficial FCI.Un afectuosísimo recuerdo de amor sincero para los BB que una vez nos premiaron con su compañía y que hoy ya no están.----NUESTRA WEB:¿QUÉ ES LA ESCLEROSIS MÚLTIPLE?-INFORMACIÓN:Esclerosis M�ltiple

----OHM OM
----BOUVIERS DE BERNA DE FLORDENEU-Fans club ......FB.init("45d7d1a07e9cfd7ea5b207e609d00193");...... BOUVIERS DE BERNA DE FLORDENEU a Facebook----MOONCURRENT MOON lunar phase----ALBUM BOUVIERS DE BERNA ..


UN POC DE FANTASIA-A BIT OF FANTASY: fairies-fades-hadas
---- PUZZLE ----
Witch w/bats
Dog Lovers
Breath Away From Heaven by George Harrison

another beautiful song of our old friend George...

love, respect, care and compassion
----FACEBOOK ......FB.init("45d7d1a07e9cfd7ea5b207e609d00193");...... BOUVIERS DE BERNA DE FLORDENEU on Facebook ---- .. Perfil de Isabel De Berna

Crea tu insignia ..
by ""



Tarragona prohibirá los circos con animales

Tarragona prohibirá los circos con animales

"Sin Piel" en pleno centro de Madrid

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----OCELLS LLIURES - Animals Comments

----EL CLUB DE KAT: "Asociación para Animales Discapacitados y Enfermos Crónicos" ----H E L P !! Starving a dog to DEATH~ART? wtf!!!!!!!!!! Estado de ánimo actual: cabreado/aDear friends, this is very cruel and sad. An "artist" from Costa Rica, named Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, put a starved dog as a work of art, the poor dog died there, he did not want anyone give him food or water. This monster asked some children to chase the dog and he paid them for their dirty work to give him the dog.In that event, (in which the dog died) he was chosen to represent his country in the "Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008", the petition site is to sign to boycott him , so he won't can participate in the event:SIGN HERE PLEASE!SIGN PETITION NOW! TAKE ACTION ON IS TAKING PLACE AT: Gallery WebsiteEmail Address: [email protected]: Centro Nacional de la Cultura Antigua Fábrica Nacional de Licores. Avenida 3, calle 15/17. San José, Costa Rica. Teléfono: (506) 257 7202 / 257 9370 Fax: (506) 257 8702Sample Letter to Send the Gallery I am writing regarding the horrifying actions of Guillermo Habacuc Vargas,who paid local children to catch a dog on the street and then confined,starved and publicly displayed the dog as an "art" exhibit until the innocent animal died of starvation.I along with many people world wide am outraged that Guillermo habacuc Vargas has been selected to represent Costa Rica in "Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008",This man is by no definition of the word an artist he is a criminally insane sadist and enjoys inflicting prolonged suffering upon his innocent victims.he is a danger to all of society as it is well documented that those with the capacity to intentionally cause harm to an animal have the same capacity to harm humans.To state that this animal would have died eventually of natural causes is unjustifiable and beyond logical,rational thinking.To allow Guillermo habacuc Vargas to represent Costa Rica in Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008 will in no way benefit Costa Rica,the world is watching and the actions of this so called artist has brought much negative assumptions as to the humanity of the people of Costa Rica and the fact that the many witnesses of this animals suffering did nothing and that the organizers of this event allowed this rather than taking action to see that Guillermo Vargas be criminally charged with animal abuse is sending the world a message that Costa Rica consists of a cruel,uncivilized society that has no regard for life but enjoys viewing and contributing to the loss of life.Each and every person who knew of and witnessed the suffering of this innocent dog is equally as guilty of causing it's uncalled for death. And to let this crime go unpunished and instead be awarded by Guillermo Vargas representing Costa Rica in Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008 is unacceptable and shameful not only to Costa Rica but to all participants of this event.I urge you,do not condone the heinous actions of Guillermo Vargas by allowing him to participation in Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008.He should be jailed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of law for this animals death,not representing Costa Rica as an artist for he is not an artist and to refer to him as such is an insult to all true artists.Sincerely, Your NameANOTHER GALLERY SHOWING HIS WORK this is the email addy to a gallery which currently holds some of vargas' work for display and for sale if anyone would like to ask the gallery to drop him from their list of artists their email address is below.EMail: [email protected] ABOUT EXHIBIT What he says on his blog (translated) Located Here According to I knew the dog died on the following day by lack of food. During the inauguration I knew that the dog was persecuted in the evening between the houses of aluminum and cardboard of a district of Managua with santo name who Habacuc that could not need at the moment. 5 children of whom they helped in the capture received 10 bonds of córdobas by their collaboration. During the exhibition some people requested the freedom of the small dog, to which he artist rehuso. The name of the dog was (it was) Natividad, and I let myself to him die of at sight hunger of all, as if the death of a poor dog was a shameless mediatic show in which nobody does nothing else that to applaud or to watch disturbed. Definitively we are what leimos: pure croquetas. In the place that the dog was exposed single it has left a metal cable and a cord. The dog was extremely ill, renqueaba and it did not want to eat anyway, so in natural surroundings it had died anyway; but thus they are all the poor dogs: sooner or later they die or they die them.More Horrific Images on the internet----MALTRATO ANIMAL:----WHY? -------NO SABEMOS SUFICIENTE SOBRE LOS SENTIMIENTOS ANIMALES: ..
Christian the Lion - Funny home videos are a click away ------------BEAUTY OF NATURE ..


My Blog

Posted by on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 12:46:00 GMT

De l'Alt Camp i Flordeneu quiere que eches un vistazo a una foto en MySpace en el álbum Mis l'Alt Camp i Flordeneu quiere que eches un vistazo a una foto en MySpace en el álbum Mis fotos. Shared via AddThis
Posted by on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:30:00 GMT

806-el-trafico-de-cachorros-de-raza-cobra-fuerza-en-reyes ANIMALES VICTIMAS CRIADORES PAISES DEL ESTE SIN ESCRUPULOS
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jan 2010 13:04:00 GMT

againess-en: Intro Intro Shared via AddThis
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 13:39:00 GMT


Fotos de Jose Sanchez Saez - Franco Streetboarders y amigos en su perversidad de Navidad 2009 Comparteix Ahir a les 08:20 ARGENTINA-Mendoza.. DEMUESTRAN UNA GRAN PERVERSION , AUN CUANDO EL ANIMAL...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Dec 2009 10:50:00 GMT

Tarragona prohibirá los circos con animales
Posted by on Wed, 02 Dec 2009 10:56:00 GMT

Esto es lo que comes//THIS IS WHAT YOU EAT da.htmOJOS QUE NO VEN   La higienización de la conciencia mediante pulcras b...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:09:00 GMT

Protesta contra el uso de pieles este 29 de noviembre en Madrid
Posted by on Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:27:00 GMT

URGENTE!! Perrita maltratada en adopción!!

sábado 3 de octubre de 2009Eva. Abuelita desgraciada corriendo mucho peligro.le pegan mucho y le han cortado una oreja!... Esta abuelita preciosa es Eva. Eva esta en la calle,abandonada,lleva abandona...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:01:00 GMT

Korean Dog Meat Industry Kills 2 Million Dogs Every Year PLEASE READ
Posted by on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 13:21:00 GMT