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I'd like to meet:
GOD!Bert the frog!
Some Random Questions
Where were you born? Waco, Tx
Do you have a crush on a cartoon? umm...not really
Do you like/love some one? love
If so who? Garrett C.W. Wayne
Where would you rather be right now? anywhere but in my room
What is the last thought you have when you go to bed? Man I have to go to school tomorrow
Would you die for the one you love? I like to think that I would
Do you believe in a higher being? Definitely
What was the last thing you ate? Fajitas and brownies...yum
What was the last thing you drank? Coca-cola
Do you own a MP3 player? My phone
Do you own a CD player? yup
Do you own a Boom Box?
Where are you located right now? In my room
What are you listening to? you wouldn't last a minute on the creek
What was the last thing you watched on TV? some movie on oxygen
Is your room clean or dirty? I cleaned it today!
Do you prefer things clean or dirty? clean....but I can handle a little messy
Do you complete all of your homework or put it off till last minute? def...put it off til the last min.
Do you cry often? sometimes
When was the last time you cried? fri.
Have you ever cried your self to sleep? I'm gonna have to say yes
What was the last thing you said? I can't even lift my tortilla!
Who was the last person you Text or IM? Garrett
Who are your best friends? Ericka, Nicole, Nessa...etc.
What is your current favorite song? umm...too many
What is your favorite band? not sure
Would you rather have love or money? tough but love
What is more important love or money? I like money but I love to be loved
Do you have any animals? Too many
What was the last thing you bought? A red bull and a frapacchino
Do you have a job? yup...Dock's
Do you own a car? Yea
If so what is the car? A Neon
Do you live with your parents? yep
How many people live in your house? 4 now
What is your bed time? when I go to sleep
Do you like the president? actually I do
Do you think that the war is good? ummm...It should be over by now
Do you believe that all things happen for a reason? pretty much
Do you believe in fate? hmmm...
Do you believe in magic? not really
Do you remember your dream from last night? yea
If so what was it about? I stole some rice crispy treats...guess I went to bed hungry, lol
When did you last shower? This morning
What was the last movie you saw? A time to kill
Whose house were you last at? Garrett's
What is your lucky number? 7 baby
What time is it? 8:20
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