Stephanie profile picture


He Is The Reason I Was Born...My Son

About Me

My name is Stephanie. I currently still live in Idaho. lil yay. I was born in San Diego and moved up here in the 8th grade. I have graduated Highschool at Meridian High. And so here I am. Me. Not Stephanie from Highschool. A little more defined- Stephanie I just had a baby on Oct 30th a son his name Is alexander chase.His father and I were highschool sweethearts. Together of and on for 5 years. Now we have the most beautiful son. Only god could have come up with that. I am currently getting prepared to start college to become a paralegal I think it would be more enjoyable for me becauase its more client related and research. I have a goal of having a house in at least 2 years and being debt free other then my house buy then too. I love meeting people and I have close friends and they mean a lot to me, but most important is my family and my new family included Nicks family has takin me as there family too and it really makes me feel whole again.My mom and nicks mom are awsome I couldnt have asked for better help with xander. My friend tiffany is there for me and she is called his aunt. I have really learnd that you need to have family and friends to rely on. Because theres no way people can live life alone.

My Interests

Photography Video Tech Politics Reading Learning new things Going out with my friends Does sleeping count? Id Also like to meet some people who are into Law and political science.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet all kinds of people. I am actully questioning the independance and uniqueness of the people of the USA lately. So prove me wronge is what I have to say to people Id like to meet. Show me people who have a brain other then a small waist and a big bra size. Show me people that stand up for whats right even if they stand alone. Give me people who I can talk to and just talk without and sexual undertone. And those that can sit back and laugh that they just fell on their ass but got right back up and did it again


I have really gotten into country I know I crossed over there jsut seems to be a lot of heart in the newer country and It speaks to me more Dont worrie I still love all music im just in that fase right now


I love movies! Not mainly for the actors but for the pure art form behind any movie made. I love to watch the old scary movies. More so the ones where theres nothing but music. I go to see anything, so i can critque it later.


Honest to God I havent watched TV in 2 months. Watched movies though. But anything about news and recent events Iv gotten from the computer.


I like to read. I like reading books with a point. I used to read fairytales when i was younger but now i have been getting into books with real problems and real people in them


I have a couple of heros 1 My mom. We havent always gotten along and only recently we have been able to look at each other as people instead of mother and daughter. She really has done a lot for me and my brothers growing up and even though I dont live at home anymore she still is there being her totally awsome self 2 My cousin Mandy. She is my idol when it comes to inner beauty and outer beauty. She has that personality that makes you want to go up and talk to her when you havent even met her. She can make even the most shy person feel like they can jump on stage and dance. She is a talented actress and I know Ive tried to see here plays everyday Iv been down there. She special and I love her with all my heart and would do anything to help her. My grandma She is the most beautiful person I have ever known always there for anyone always there for me. She past away this las December and I dont know how Im dealing as good as I am I think Its Because of my son he doesnt need to see mommy crying. She was my best friend, My Grandma, and mentor, hopfully those of you who got to meet her know that she was a wonderful woman and lived a great life and I hope that my life is half as great as hers
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My Blog

YOU have been served

So I have been having a lot of stress lately, I am working two jobs a daycare and at fashion bug and I am starting 2 classes to get my business degree, I am about to move into a new apartment one that...
Posted by Stephanie on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:39:00 PST

Restarting Sucks

You know when you have to resatart a game and you havent saved anything and thus meaning you lose everything and have to start from the bottom up again. Thats how I feel right  now. It almost see...
Posted by Stephanie on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 01:33:00 PST

Real Life

So another blog for my page hopefully not to upsetting So to clear the air I am officially 4 1/2 months pregnant YES ITS NICKS to all those weird little followers he has that think its ok to visit my ...
Posted by Stephanie on Wed, 24 May 2006 10:54:00 PST

Drs appointment

So today im going to the first doctors appointment Which by the way if anybody has been to a gyno then you know my frustration But i get to find out whats going on Nick and I are doing better Hes bee...
Posted by Stephanie on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:55:00 PST

Angry Confused and Happy

So its been a weird month I have been going through a lot of  does he or doesnt he i got a new job thank god Its fun and the pay is better but still waiting  for the money to start building...
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 06:10:00 PST

Boom Baby

Hi everyone So alot has happened this past month or two I have been through a lot of the emotional bull sht that I think most 19 year olds go through I have been qing a lot about my life and anbout wh...
Posted by Stephanie on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 11:30:00 PST

A lil Annoyed

See heres the delema. All my life I have always been the person that everyone could talk too. I have always been the person that has been able to handle the big things and come out non-crazy. But I th...
Posted by Stephanie on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 06:16:00 PST

New Biggin'ins

So I have officially moved out of my parents house and yep Im in the big bad world. Im lovin that part. What I dont love is my job. Im going to be looking for a new one. One where I can get paid more ...
Posted by Stephanie on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:55:00 PST

Its My Life

So this summer has been an eyeopening one I broke up with nick, which was both a hard heartbreaking thing and the best decsion i could have made. I will always love the nick  fell in love with bu...
Posted by Stephanie on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 04:51:00 PST


Today Was my senior project presentation day and i think i did pretty good I now know i will graduate hehehe and i am happy next thing to worrie about now is pro dondondon...
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST