pride is a thief. |
it robs us of God's presence. "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is lowly and contrite in spirit." Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:42:00 GMT |
a word on devotions. |
in our devotions, we must pray, lest we become dispassionate in reading the Scriptures, and we must read the Scriptures, that we should know what to pray and how to pray it. Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 00:39:00 GMT |
this is how the old saints used to worship. |
What, therefore, is my God? What, I ask, but the Lord God? "For who is Lord but the Lord himself, or who is God besides our God?" Most high, most excellent, most potent, most omnipot... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:20:00 GMT |
hallowed be Your Name. |
To say that God is holy is to say that He is completely other than anything and everything that we might use to describe Him. This includes everything in heaven and on earth, ... Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:03:00 GMT |
shoelaces. |
"The highest aim a person can seek is to please God. And other disappointments and frustrations trouble him no more than it would a merchant speeding home from his voyage loaded with the prize o... Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:39:00 GMT |
take me higher |
You are God of all I've seenYou hold life, death, and all that's in between.You are Lord of the unseenfrom angels bright to principalities.holy, righteous, pure and perfectLord receive Your praise, Yo... Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 01:06:00 GMT |
sharp n ready |
"...Never neglect these times, pray and read your Bible and train and discipline yourself. That is your work - Mine to use you. But My instruments must be sharp and ready. Then I use them. Discipl... Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 21:30:00 GMT |
out of the closet Christians: dont forget the closet. |
mt 6:6 Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:33:00 GMT |