Old school Thrash, Black, Death, Doom, Punk / OI / Inde / Alternative, Rock & Roll..... .. ....">.... .. ....">.... .. ....">
Sergio Leone, of course !!!! Dracula, Dead Man, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Hooper's version), The Exorcist, A Clockwork Orange, Into the Wild, 3:10 to Yuma, C'est arrive pres de chez vous, Johnny got his gun, Lord of the Rings... my precious !!! Dead poets society, A life less ordinary, Annie Hall, The bicycle thief, La fille sur le pont, Requiem for a dream (but I'm not emo), Irreversible, I stand alone, Midnight Express, Ed Wood, Nightmare before Christmas, Big Fish ........ .. ....">.... .. ....">
J'irai cracher sur vos tombes, Chien perdu sans collier, Lords of the Rings. Jack Kerouac, Jack London, EA Poe, Lord Byron, Pagnol, La Fontaine, Soral, Dantec, Nabe, Celine, Cameron Alexander.