My family (Note: In the Native-world, that includes extended family), Dance, Surfing, Indian Tribes, and public service. For real, doe! And no I'm not running for office!
Mmmm....your Mom!
Red Hot Chili Peppers, ACDC, The Police, Gypsy Kings, Bob Marley, Eminem, George Straight, and all the American Idols! (Note: Joel, aka "And You know Who You Is," and I actually sat in a suite for the original tour. Yea, you know you loved Nikki!)
Nancy Grace, The O.C., Law & Order (the original & criminal intent), CSI Las Vegas, SpongeBob SquarePants, and music videos.
All four of Dan Brown's books (Da Venci Code, Angels & Demons, Digital Fortress, & Deception Point)
Ew, you don't really think I'm going to go there!