Thia profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I'm tall... 6'2" and a half to be exact. I have long brown/red/gold hair... I died it too much at one point it time... .; I have blue-green eyes. I own 7 cats, 2 dogs, 2 birds, 2 guinea pigs, 1 rat, 2 mice, 3 rabbits, 1 turtle, 1 iguana... (that likes to whip me!) I have 21 pets. wOOt! O.o I love to read... I'm moody... horny.... and hyper. ^_^ I love playing video games... I own a gameboy color... the games I own for that are Harvest Moon 3, Pokemon Gold, and Pokemon Yellow, and the Powerpuff Girls... O.O; I also have a ps2.... I own lotz of games for that... So I shall just name a few... I have Final Fantasy lV through X-2, Dark Cloud, Summoner, Kingdom Hearts, Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, Big Mutha Truckers, and Legend of Dragoon. I have a gamecube as well... Since I just got it.. I only own 4 games... Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and Tales of Symphonia. Can you tell I'm a Harvest Moon fan? :D I also love the internet... (obviously) Well... I guess that's all for now... o.o

My Interests

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