MICHAEL PERITZ profile picture


About Me

I am a lead and rythym guitarist,songwriter and vocalist,my influances and interests are in Alternative, Adult Contemporary Rock,Blues and Jazz/Fusion,I would consider myself as a: "well rounded musician" NEO,was my last Alternative project that ended for me in 2003,,"Perfect day" and "Dirty pictures",the music and arrangements were written by me,the lyrics were wriitten by my partner Dave Prince who also did all the lead vocals,and Larry Cox,although Dave and I performed on"MARY WAITE",the music and lyrics were written by Mark Burge our bassest at that time, all NEO songs are @ Cox International,you can find it on the web.the NEO material is currently being shopped for T.V. and feature films. I am currently involved with "ASPEN",they are an, Adult Contemporary Rock band based in Thousand Oaks,CA,and have been performing shows around So Cal and around the U.S. with groups such as "AMBROSIA","THE LITTLE RIVER BAND" and have also performed with "EDDY MONEY","GREG ROLLIE","COLLIN HAY", for over 8 years,we are currently preparing a short promotional tour to th UK,France, and Amsterdam to promote their Albu/CD "BLUE SKIES" witch has been receiving much attention in these Countries,as well as the U.S.then in the summer of 2008 we are planning many shows and festivals around the U.S.,as well we are planning to go back for a summer tour in the U.K and Europe,I am pleased to be the newest member and I'm looking forward to working with George Rangel and ASPEN for years to come, Check out "ASPEN MUSIC", on myspace, I also play with "MADDJAKK", a classic and contemporary rock cover band we have a lot of fun and it helps to keep my chops up.as for "SEACLOUD",this band usually plays two or three shows in the summer time,"SPRAY PAINT THE CAT" is an Alternative/pop high energy cover band,my good friend Bruff ,on bass & lead vocal has put the band back together! this a fun project and I'm looking forward to playing these guy's as well,2008 is going to be a busy year for me! Oh Ya.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/12/2007
Band Members: I am currently working with:ASPEN,MADDJAKK, SEACLOUD,Spray paint the Cat
Influences: I have had many influences ranging from Yes, TOTO,Warren Haynes/Gov'T Mule,MrMr, Chicago,(Terry Kath was one of the greatest rock guitarists to hit the planet), Tower of Power,Lee ritnour, Steve "Luke" Lukether (Of Toto,and my all time favorite guitarist as well my biggest influence!), Robin Ford, Carlos Santana, Al Dimeola, Vince Gill, Brent Mason(monster Nashville session,B-bendin' Tele playin',well,MONSTER) My Uncle James(he taught me how to play the first four chords),BB King,Eric Clapton just to name a few,I really like Incubus for their odd meter approach, Radiohead, Eve6 (oy,those guitar tracks!) Vertical Horizon,Fuel,Matchbox20,to name a few more,I like most new and old Country material,Classical,"New Age",scary movie sound tracks,so I guess to sum it up,my tatses are broad and eclectic,loud and soft,forcefull,romantic,very well rounded.....

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Record Label: NEO songs copywrite 2001 @ Cox International
Type of Label: Indie

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