As most, I have been singing since I was a child. School and church choirs, loved doing harmony stuff, like barber shop quartets, from day one. After managing to get through school, I proudly joined the U.S. Army, where I had several life changing experiences, the biggest of which was serving in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. During my time stationed over in Germany, I was the lead singer of a rock band for awhile, but that pretty much went no where (we did 1 gig before two members were moved back to the states). That desire to sing was always there....just never really did anything with it.About 4 years ago, I walked into a place called BJ Stars, in Elkhart, Indiana...they were doing karaoke there...and that was the start of the next chapter of my life. I started singing again, and people really seemed to enjoy what I did, so the fire grew and grew till it was out of control. I had things I wanted to do, but had no clue on how i was suppose to get there. Then one day...she walked into the bar, and my life. "My Special Angel" (song) Kay came into my life, and found a way to contain, control, and guide me and my desire to accomplish things, and guide them in the right directions. I can never thank you enough Kay, for all that you have done, and do on a daily basis for me. We will reach the summit side by side my dear.After spending month after month, on the competition circuit, going from Michigan, to southern Indiana, and everywhere in between all summer and part of the happened. The release of my first song, "Me and You, and the Red, White and Blue". Since then songs like "My Special Angel", "They Don't Ask a Handout (Just A Hand Up)" thanks to Doc Killian for that one, an "Keep Pushing On" have hit the airwaves. Along the way I have meet some awesome people, like Doc Killian, Johni Dee and the Mystery Train, Cowboy Alan and the Steel Horse Band, just to name a few. Urban Storm (Thurston and the boys) are an awesome inspiration for me too. Peg, Gunny, Dawn, JR, Rodney, Tomi, Lowell, and so many others give me the energy to keep going. Thank you to all of you my true friends.
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