It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously. -Peter Ustinov
"...Humanity i love you because you are perpetually putting the secret of life in your pants and forgetting its there and sitting down on it..." - from a poem by EE Cummings
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
-author unknown
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of
caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
I'll meet you at Bodega on Tuesday
We'll have a nice old bottle of wine
We'll raise up our glasses
And toast the good times
And then say goodbye
I'm going to Nashville
I'm Leaving this place
I know it's the right thing
It's all over your face
I'm going to Nashville
And I won't look back
So Hold on to my hand
And follow my tracks
I remember Seattle
And Life Guard Station 13
I even remember
The mess in Cancun
You nearly got away from me
But this time we'll go to an island
Way past where the sun meets the sand
I'll lie there with you
And you lie with me
And we'll forget the world cause darling we're free
I'm going to Nashville
I'm going with you
I'll take all or nothing
And everything new
I'm going to Nashville
And i don't know when
We'll get close to someday
To see you again
O Aching time when moments last for years
I had a picture of a red sky to soak up all my tears
You say the things in our heads are so often not the truth
I'm just happy that your eyes hold some...
Your eyes hold some.... proof
I'm going to Nashville
I'm leaving today
I'll never forget you
No how no way
I'm going to Nashville
At least for a while
I'm taking my best friend
With a tear and a smile
by Latham
i love movies. and i hate movies. and i don't care about movies anymore.... too much else going on in the world. plus there's just no creativity anymore.
anything that makes me think, or lets me not, depending on my mood
my children-- LEIA,LUKE, tito, ti2, berturtle and hot buns the bunny
Preamble to Tennessee 1796, Art. XI.III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...