Ol' Stiff Knees profile picture

Ol' Stiff Knees

My darwin shark ate your jesus fish.

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layoutsbody, div, p, strong, td, .text,"Generosity is one of the qualities of the people of Paradise."

Baris and I (28 and 22 respectively) moved here in June of 2004, and in that time we haven't met very many people. We love to experience new things and get out. We've been two years, and we just bought a house ! Baris is a drummer, I sing and play a little guitar. We're pretty easy going, laid back people...and we are trying to settle into Minnesota and make it our home. Our favorite thing to do is have people over for dinner and sit and chat and play cards all night long!!

We are a sarcastic species, we tease but all in fun, and we are very dry in our comedy sometimes. We like movie and dinner nights with friends, come on over! Will fix up a fun dish and have a blast!!

My Interests

Music, friends, writing, reading, crafts (crocheting)

I'd like to meet:

WE NEED SOME FRIENDS!!! We like outgoing, fun, intelligent people with ambition and interests beyond video games and Television. We don't want to be joined at the hip and we don't need high maintenance cuz we aren't high maintenance. We're really "middle of the road" people when it comes to most things. We just want to hang out sometimes. This might be scary if you're a typical Minnesotan, but it'll be OK, just coffee once in a while, maybe an occaisional party, don't hyperventilate...I personally would like to meet Bette Midler...I could die happy if I met Bette Midler...anyone got any connections?!In case you're bored.... ..
Flash Games


Celine Dion, Nightwish, Martina McBride, Anna Nalick, Sarah McLaughlan, Maroon 5, Jewel, etc. If I can sing to it or it has a good beat, I generally like it...no rap though.


Comedies (Like Office Space, satirical stuff, I like smart assed movies); Sci-fi (Like Star Wars and Star Trek); Documentaries (Like the ones from Discovery and HIstory Channel);action movies (Like The Transporter).


House;CSI; ER; Will & Grace; Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis; West Wing.


classic literature, American Literature (Willa Cather, John Steinbeck), Stephen King, Tom Clancy, Historical Fictions; documentaries; good series, no matter the target age group (Like the Chronicles of Narnia... I'm addicted, never read Harry Potter though!); and anything good (no trashy romance novels for me!)!

My Blog

They're Coming...

So, Baris's parents are coming.  They will be here friday.  We just found out this last Friday.  SO, if anyone needs EMERGENCY baby sitting, feel free to call (wink wink)!!  I hope...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:57:00 PST


I'm screaming!  Can you hear me SCREAMING!  FUCKING DUH!!!!!!  If you need to be told this...GET NUETERED, cuz you're FUCKING DUMB! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13957025/ 1.5 hours?!&nbs...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:33:00 PST

The onset of war in the Middle east....

And it has be to be about religion...every word written hints that this is only about religion.  I don't know that there is a right or wrong anymore.... "Rescue workers were shown helping an old ...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 02:25:00 PST

A Moment Please?

Just a funny.  Saw this thing on the news from Elizabeth Taylor where she states that she won't starve herself to be like today's size zero starlets... If you will, Ms. Taylor...aren't you 80 or ...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 04:27:00 PST

One time...at the tennis court...

So, I was out this evening playing tennis here at fine and lovely clubwest with a friend....and chasing after a ball...huffing and puffing away...I went through a cloud of gnats... AND BOOM! Like that...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 06:18:00 PST

Resigned...at last.

So, Baris and I have been in Minnesota for two full years.  This will never be home.  Just a disclaimer to my friends here, I am generalizing, and the few people I have managed to make conne...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:01:00 PST

I went missing!

Busy, busy, busy.  Even without summer classes, I'm totally swamped.  I've had to turn my attention fully to work now a days, it's draining, but worth it.  I got a $1/hr raise when they...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 09:10:00 PST

A Little Health Care Rant

OK.  For those of you who don't know, and this is important to what I am about to rant about, I am approximately 80lbs overwieght.  Glory be. I have put on about 50lbs since getting married ...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:41:00 PST

Long Time

Seems as if I have not posted in quite some time!!  For those of you who are wondering what is going on up here in the artic tundra  : The new job is great.  I enjoy what I do and am lo...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST

All by my lonesome

So here's the scoop kids.  I'm back to work 110% and doing relatively well.  I'm doing my best to overcome the obstacles of being a contingent worker.  I don't have access to the essent...
Posted by Ol' Stiff Knees on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 06:37:00 PST