life has 2 smack u around in order 2 learn profile picture

life has 2 smack u around in order 2 learn

There cnt be g0od w/0ut bad, life w/0ut death 0r pleasure w/0ut pain

About Me

My name is Sandra , im from Ecuad0r, if u dont knoe where that is..then u need to find 0ut.
New things that have been g0ing 0n wit me. Well i finally got my bartending license. Yey 4 me!!!!. PaPa is s0o0o pr0ud
To those i care and love i give all of myself. I'm a friend,a lover, a daughter,a sister,a worrier,a listener,a person u can alwys come to when in need. I do wat i can to always help my fam nd friends. I'm even bout helping those in need who have so much less than me. Life has given me so many gud things, Im grateful 4 evrything i have nd everyone I've come to known. Regreting nothing i have ever done nd always looking forward 2 new ecperiences in my life.
I'm very open-minded but at times I can be a little close minded. Dont let me fool you,just like any other i have my insecurities, my problems, my doubts. Its only human to have our doubts nd fear mistakes, but even if im risking making a mistake i still try it cuz there's no worst feeling than the thought of "WHAT IF...?" But i Know that good things come to those who patiently wait. Those who may suffer will prosper in the end, and good guys dont always finish last. Nd remember the difference between winners nd loosers is that winners do things losers dont want to do. Give serious thought to wat u want, wat u dont want nd wat you absolutely will not tolerate, then u'll find that you've created a vision 4 ur life.
OHH and LUV?? The heart has no end to what it takes. But always keep in mind that nobody completes anybody, we complete ourselves. You dont have to have some1 else to be a whole.People say relationships are made in heaven, that may be true in some level, but i say relationships are managed on earth. Always keeping in mind that we can inspire our man, we can influence our man, but we cannot control him. Take into consideration that "Actions speak louder than words." You have to rise above the noise. You have to become the figure against the wallpaper of the world. You have to stand out against the background.Nd when you show up at a social situation, you have to do like me nd show up wit a plan.
UHHHH!! one thing 1 do hate is ppl that give up on things 2 easily. Ppl that dnt knoe how to fight 4 wat they want, nd ppl that have no dreams nd no idea as for where they are going in life. u see i always put a good fight be4 giving up on wat I really want, I dream big nd I knoe exactly where am headed for life.I cant tolerate when Ppl judge me be4 getting to knoe me. I knoe who I am, I am secure of who I am and most importantly, I accept who I am thats why it takes a lot for ppl to knock me off my balance. Always remember that you'll never get wat you want in this life unless you believe you really deserve it. To me it is all about being remembered, ppl can LOVE ME or they can HATE ME, but one thing they will NEVER DO is FORGET ME!!
Statement of Love:
1. Kiss on the hand: I adore you.
2. Kiss on the cheek: Let`s just be friends.
3. Kiss on the neck: I want you.
4. Kiss on the lips: I love you.
5. Kiss on the ears: I`m just playing.
6. Look in your eyes: Kiss me!
7. Playing with your hair: Can`t live without you.%D%A%D%A
8. Hand on your waist: Love you to much to let you go.
Love is a sensation%D%A%D%A
Caused by temptation.
A guys sticks his location
Inside a girls destination,
To increase the population
Of the next generation.
Do you understand my explanation...girls layout

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've looked nd looked 4 my soulmate,finding it harder nd harder until i realized that i 1st must find myself in order to meet the guy that wud make me weak on the knees. I yet have not found him but Life has thought me that when u rush into things u dnt always get wats best 4 u.
My ideal guy haS to Be FuNnY , OUtGoING, sPonTaNiOus, SmART, CaRiNg, PaSsIoNaTe, RoManTic, a gEnTlEmAN, hOnEsT, iNtElLiGeNt, wEll-MaNnErEd, a TaD oF AgGrEsSIvEnEsS, aFfEcTiOnAtE, pAtIeNt, SuPpOrTiVe, CoMmItTeD, sElflEsS, oPtImIsTiC, g0oD dAnCeR, gOod DrEsSeR, bUt MosT ImPoRtAnTlY hE hAs To Be FaItHfUL aNd ReSpEcTfUl -- That's my other half..


I'm all bout Horror/suspense movies, next on the list is romantic/drama movies. Then again I luv watching movies nd anything ever filmed is worth watching at least once.




My heroes are la Familia. My moms is my numba 1 hero, she's the best lady out there, She has thought me right 4rm wrong, gud 4rm bad because of her i am the woman i am now. I cudnt be a betta person, I cud only try to be as perfect as her cuz in a daughters eyes a mother is the closest thing there is out there to being perfect. I just wish that when i age i wud look half as beautiful and be half as wise as she is.