Saria [Pterodactyl] profile picture

Saria [Pterodactyl]

I walk alone on the beach in the night.....feel the wind that whispers memories.......

About Me

Please do not just randomly add me, I like meeting people so if you want to add me then just send me a message or something first (This INCLUDES bands). I dont like denying people so just save the hassle and send me a message

Saria - Sarah
Age is stated. I'm amazed by perfection. I want to learn everything, ever. I'm going to see the world, not just one part, but all of it. I want to cross oceans and not just on Voyage Century. I bite my lip when I'm nervous. I adore intelligence; it draws me to people, an infatuation of beauty through intellectual minds. I love ambience of all sorts. Surrealism is exquisite.
I dislike people who don't have a sense of humour, laugh a little, you only live once. I appreciate expression through words. I love literature which associates with the Elizabethan and Victorian era. The gift of description enlightens me to new thoughts. I use &c instead of etc. I hope for too much. I have a strong judgement on people. I'm in love with a boy named fire - He makes the world stop. The way rain bends and separates sunlight is incredible; perfection among us which most take for granted. Planets, stars and landscapes are beauty. My favourite oxymoron is 'alone together'. Sounds like drakúla.
I believe I can reach anything. I thrive from uniqueness. I am easy to get along with, clumsy around some. I eat bananas in three pieces. Music drives me. In my spare time I stalk European tourists. I sing and dance to anything. I do smilies the way most people would consider "back to front" [= . I love culture and language. Flickering lights send me insane. I turn on the hot water tap instead of the cold. I'll tell you something: The correct spelling is "d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y". Shirts are not dresses, leggings are not pants. I think Link is sexy. I hold my pen wrong. I have to sit behind the driver on a bus. I drink soy milk. It annoys me that people actually 'want' to be perceived with lack of knowledge. I prefer dark chocolate over light. I'm a walking paradox. Don't try and empathise with me, most of the time you have no idea what is happening. I am an inexperienced radio announcer. Expression through visual is astonishing. I have to sleep with something covering me. I enjoy watching the awkwardness of strangers.
Tea makes me happy. I have bad circulation and probably suffer from Raynaud's Syndrome [and/or a broken hypothalamus] - I'm definitely an ectotherm. Also: It's pronounced /kəˈrɪbiən/ not /kærɨˈbi'ən/. My sarcasm comes in copious amounts. I am fond of people who wish to challenge me. I appreciate people telling stories, they could be doing a million other things. Love through wires - It's the new thing.
I think too much of the future. I'm going to run away. I will own a castle, find love and live in a fairytale.
It will happen…
The flame flickers in the eye; the eye shines like dew; it looks soft and full of feeling; it smiles at my jargon; it is susceptible; impression follows impression through its clear sphere; when it ceases to smile it is sad; an unconscious lassitude weighs on the lid: that signifies melancholy resulting from loneliness. It turns from me; it will not suffer farther scrutiny; it seems to deny, by a mocking glance, the truth of the discoveries I have made, - to disown the charge both of sensibility and chagrin: its pride and reserve only confirm me in my opinion. The eye is favourable.
As to the mouth, it delights at times in laughter: it is disposed to impart all that the brain conceives; though I dare say it would be silent on much the heart experiences. Mobile and flexible, it was never intended to be compressed in the eternal silence of solitude: it is a mouth which should speak much and smile often, and have human affection for its interlocutor. That feature too is propitious...

My Interests

-Him: 16586931
-Phascolonus Gigas
-Tea'se Me
-Voyage Century
-Sliders + Stargate
-Wine in Goblets
-Vombatus Ursinus
-Protein Synthesis
-You (Obviously)
-Tachyglossus Aculeatus
-Rubix Cube

--------------- SHE HAD DEBATED, in the frivolity of the beginning, whether to build a hole or a tower; a hole, because she was fond of hobbits, or a tower - well, a tower for many reasons, but chiefly because she liked spiral stairways.


I'd like to meet:



Add Comment.


Blind Guardian
Freedom Call
Gamma Ray
Goat Horn
Grim Reaper
Harem Scarem
Iced Earth
Iron Maiden
Mr. Big
Praying Mantis
Rhapsody /of Fire
Running Wild
Sigur Rós
Sonata Arctica
Symphony X
......and more


Waynes World 1&2
Underworld 1&2
Interview with a Vampire
Corpse Bride
Edward Scissorhands
Sword in the Stone
Final Destination 1 2&3
Childs Play 1 2&3
The Umbilical Brothers Speedmouse


there are way more exciting things to do then watch TV... It's pretty lame
one show you SHOULD watch however:-
The Chasers War on Everything


IT - Steven King
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Kurt Cobain Journels
Vampire Chronicles - Anne Rice


My favourite people:
(Continuation of top friends list. Closest friends from different places. Pretty much, the people written here are some of the most amazing you will ever meet. I would go out of my way to do alot for them. If my top friends list was bigger, these are the people who would be in it. If you're not in this list, unlucky.)

0:25 [School]:

0:53 [Gig Mates]:

1:03 [Local]:

1:11 [National]:

1:47 [International]:

My Blog


I've currently noticed an up rise in extremely bad fashion trends.  After coming back from seeing a few bands last night, the one which bothers me the most became extremely apparent.  This "...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

Comment = Innuendo

I am sick of speculations on apparent lust through commenting.  What is peoples obsession with having to know what comments people are receiving and more importantly, what they're sending back?&n...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 09:22:00 PST

Pet Names

Okay, so, some people enjoy pet names and others hate them.  Personally, I'm someone who dislikes the whole "Wuddleysnookieboo" talk, but hey, whatever tickles your fancy I guess. Last night, my ...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 08:07:00 PST


Okay, so I have come to the conclusion over the past month that I should not catch buses around/from Sydney.  For about a month and a bit I have been having extremely close encounters with buses ...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:59:00 PST

Secret Sauce

Recently, my mum was sucked into cult-like following advertisement such as those for Pro-Active or yet ANOTHER "If you use our product all your wrinkles will automatically clear leaving you looking 12...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 10:07:00 PST


I have realized this morning how much I hate my toaster.  It was a Christmas present to the mother, from her "darling" boyfriend (who deserves the fate of this toaster). Now, when designing a toa...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 01:44:00 PST


What really annoys me and I can honestly say is used to commonly without notice is when people take the word "half" into the wrong context. For example, if you break a piece of chocolate or something,...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:56:00 PST


an often question in which i think about and have recently spoken to a friend was "where do you draw the line between small talk and conversation?" With much talk about this topic we came to the concl...
Posted by Saria [Pterodactyl] on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 04:10:00 PST